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Islamic Banking In Pakistan - Printable Version

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Islamic Banking In Pakistan - KJK - 04-19-2008

Dear All
I think we may start a discussion today on this topic.
My Question is-

What is the Scope of Islamic Banking in Pakistan,what are its future prospects,can it erect conventional banking from Pakistan,if yes then what steps must be taken for its flourishment?

- Shahbaz - 04-19-2008

Well one way is to hire some suicide bombers and blow each and every interest based bank. Then build as much Islamic banks as u want to.
Other ways shall be discussed by our other respectable members. P


Syed Muhammad Shahbaz

- kamranACA - 04-21-2008


This has been much discussed on various threads. Please find and study such threads if you are interested.



- Toronto_Boy - 05-29-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by <font color="red"><b>Shahbaz</b></font id="red"></i>
<br />Assalamoalaikum,
Well one way is to hire some suicide bombers and blow each and every interest based bank. Then build as much Islamic banks as u want to.
Other ways shall be discussed by our other respectable members. P


<font color="red"><b>Syed Muhammad Shahbaz</b></font id="red">
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">


- irfan kazim - 06-05-2009

Study islamic republic iron because its banking is totally based on islamic banking concept.