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According to the newspapers of `5 October 2008 the Wafaqi Mohtasib has launched a new website to improve its outreach and facilitate the public. I could not stop abrupt smile coming on my face. A year back surfing the net I came across an official website named as Access to Justice Programme. In the list of its Projects in hand (of course I think on the cost of international loans/assistance) was under construction a website for Sindh Ombudsman. It stated the website will facilitate the easy interaction between the public and the Sindh Ombudsman. Sindh Ombudsman has been provided since 4-5 an email system which too is a part of website technology and is on expense of we the citizen. During all these 4-5 years I have never received any response from the Sindh Ombudsman seeking progress on my two complaints except that the first very response I got three months back from a newly appointed Director General. He told me he had just taken over and would deal with matters and I would soon get progress. Three months have passed. So where is the ease and speedy interaction. Except for once or twice I have never ever got any response through email system from the Federal Ombudsman. About six months back some newspapers stated one Mr. Hafiz Abdulla has been appointed as the Federal Ombudsman. Some newspapers stated Mr. Hafiz Abdulla has taken over charge as Federal Ombudsman. Since it was “then” confusing I sent twice emails to the Secretary Federal Ombudsman Secretariat to know the fact but never got any response. Recently the office advised me to contact an investigation officer but the email it provided either is non working or obsolete with the result my emails to the said investigation officers came back undelivered resulting my complaint decided ex-parte/due to non response. On huge cost the much better looking website site has been provided to the Banking Ombudsman but one cannot file a complaint through website email then what is the use of spending and keep spending on this website. The then Punjab Ombudsman on completing his tenure went home but his name as the Official Punjab Ombudsman remained on the website for about 18 months and was only removed when I pointed out. Like Federal Ombudsman the Punjab Ombudsman too changed with styles its official website. The fun was on old website the name of gone home Ombudsman was shown and on the new looked website name of current ombudsman with the result thus showing the Punjab Ombudsman had at a time two ombudsmen. Does our ombudsman system really value this modern technology. As quoted above the Banking Mohtasib does not accept complaint through its website. Four years back I made a mistake. Instead going to post office I consulted the Pakistan Post Office website to know the postal rates. I posted letters to family friends according to these website displayed rates. All recipients had to pay deficient postage plus the penalty as these website displayed postal rates where three years old. I raised it as a formal complaint with the concerned Ombudsman that displaying old rates misguiding the public was an act of mal administration and I should be refunded the amounts charged as penalty and deficient but the concerned Ombudsman did not find in it any wrong if Post Office had displayed wrong rates by not updating the website despite having a battalion of webmasters. My complaint was turned down. So if an ombudsman does not take it seriously how it can be believed he would ensure his website provides ease to the citizens.