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I am ALHAMADOLILLAH a Muslim and a true Muslim to the best of my extent. I am neither orthodox nor liberal because non of such categories I believe are in Islam, I am merely a Muslim. I do not belong to any Fiqa but a simple Muslim like millions. I always prayed ALLAH The Great keep me at distance and safe from “known” Tuhajid Guzzars. For me known “Tuhajid Guzzars” are those who directly or indirectly one way or the other try best their tuhajid guzzari made known-public. These are always dangerous and munafiq people. Those who really are true Tuhajid Guzzars by fear of ALLAH silently keep praying but an invisible smell of their ALLAH fearing silent worshiping deed comes from them and an unexplainable softness remains on their faces which automatically attracts deep true respect for them and which an ordinary Muslim like me immediately recognizes the person a true Tuhajid Guzzar.

To me 2008 real best two columns appeared in this month of November 2008. The first one is on the recent Forex scandal in which the senior highly respected columnist Irshad Ahmed Haqqani who is known for his little liking for PPP, has openly stated that from the present rulers any real investigation can not be expected. He further adds that the presence of Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhary and his faithful team is more badly felt today only who can judiciously investigate this case.

The columnist Khalid Masood Khan in his Urdu article “Take pity on at least one institution” writes how a Midwife of such a Tuhajid Guzzar President approached him that since now he was a Badshah of Pakistan he may post her one son as a Judge. The Tuhajid Guzzar President agreed to appoint her one son a well know advocate. The midwife replied “Sarkar my that son has already a well established practice hence her request was for her other disabled son whose practice had failed”. Our then Tuhajid Guzzar President on this wonderful merit appointed the concerned son as a Judge of the Lahore High Court who as holder of an Advocate Licence had never earlier even seen the Lahore High Court Building from inside. The columnist writes that the Judge verbally briefed his decisions in Urdu which a paid translator then typed properly in English. The next government sent the Judge back home and the High Court later ordered not to quote his decisions as Precedence.

The columnist writes after en block sending home judges on 3rd November 2007, in the new appointments one such an advocate was made Judge against whom a complaint for taking Rs. 10,000 “Hazay min Fazal-e-Rabi” was once filed by a litigant citizen in Punjab Bar Council. The columnist further narrates in details how the Punjab Bar Council then dealt with the complaint because the then member advocate Defendant was now a Judge. The columnist says the disappointed complainant then felt it fit not to waste money and time any more on perusing his complaint. About 15 years back I too took up a disciplinary matter. I was then working abroad knowing no one I picked up from newspaper name of Lahore based Advocate, if my memories in this old age not misguiding me, named something like Naeem Shibili. I paid him full fee demanded by him in advance with some extra from myself at my own to keep my apprised of the progress of the case. After a few Hearings he disappeared and my case was decided ex-parte. Later I learnt he had shifted to Faisalabad. I raised the issue with Punjab Bar Council. It issued me a Notice advising to appear in a Hearing on the fixed date in Faisalabad Bar but this Notice was prepared and dispatch in such a way that it reaches me abroad leaving me no margin to attend. The Notice reached me evening of the day when in morning I was supposed to be attending the Hearing. However this Notice from Secretary Punjab Bar Council was so that I immediately realized that it would be much wise to forget the matter rather than waste much more money then the advocate pick-pocketed me. Amongst the other things which cautioned me to be wise forgetting the matter rather than attending the Hearing, one was that the Secretary Punjab Bar Council had in the Hearing Notice advised me that “IN THE” hearing I should provide the contact/address of the Advocate concerned. A Bar Council does not knowing contact of its member? Technically thus the Hearing was in which I was to be the only present not the defendant advocate. When in the said Hearing had I given the contact details then it meant the Bar was to issue a next Notice say fixing next two weeks date when the said advocate “would had made himself” out of Faisalabad, then in next Hearing engaged in high court – this sort of Notice was prepared only and only knowing well a complainant working abroad would hardly afford staying in a strange city Faisalabad say one week, three weeks at the most and would run away leaving his complaint. The way the Punjab Bar Council dealt with my said matter really gave me a shame and I rightly took that these Bar Councils or Associations were merely Unions for protection of their Members only and not equally for protection of litigants and the legal profession in large.

I never hope any good from the “public-made-known” Tuhajid Guzzars. The Defence Ministry was kept out of ambit of the Federal Ombudsman. It is universally believed that these are not the rules or laws rather the man sitting on the chair which matters. (late) Justice Sardar Mohammad Iqbal the first Federal Ombudsman did not accept PIA’s defence and interpreted the provision from a public spirit view that his jurisdiction was only barred as far as issues of defence policy, defence budget, policy on borders, defence promotions, defence strategy etc were concerned. He interpreted that as far as the Defence Ministry’s matters related to the common man’s daily life are concerned he was not barred. Accordingly he provided relief to thousands and thousands of PIA passengers in matters like loss of baggage, pilferage of baggage, non provision of seats despite confirmed seats etc. Since fortunately the “men” occupying the Federal Ombudsman chair after him like Mr. Justice Aslam Riaz, Mr. Justice Abdul Shakoor Islam, etc too were God gifted public spirited people they continued to ignore PIA objection on ombudsman’s jurisdiction but kept on entertaining complaints against PIA. As PIA’s performance with each passing day and with each financial injection from the public exchequer to keep its health artificially, kept decreasing, proportionately it more vigorously struggled due to ever increasing public complaints against it to get itself exempt itself from any accountability. To its good luck and to the bad luck of the public not only the well-publicly-known Tuhajid Guzzar but also a “pious” President Mr. Rafiq Tarar occupied the seat of Pakistan’s Badshah.

It is said Judge is a person who is always happy not merely in providing relief to an aggrieved but ensures no aggrieved is left unheard. Our this Tuhajid Guzzar plus “pious” President Judge is perhaps the only example and precedent world over in the known history who was “Pleased” in closing the doors of justice/court namely declaring that Ombudsman had no right to listen complaints against PIA. To this ordinary citizen a Judge is the one who is happy to keep open as longer as possible his doors but our this pious plus Tuhajid Guzzar Judge was “pleased” in closing the doors of Ombudsman for suffering passengers. I do not know if there had ever been or today is a judge anywhere in the world who found himself “pleased” throwing away and keeping the aggrieved at distance from the doors of justice. I thing he was in fact “pleased’ in protecting the culprits in PIA and thus giving PIA a blanket permission “you are free to do anything to passenger, you are free to steal the baggage of passengers in the name of lost” etc. After this Tuhajid Guzzar plus pious Rafiq Tarar went home on which I felt myself happy, I addressed President General Pervaiz Musharraf and to President Asif Zardari to undo this unnatural thing done by the Tuhajid Guzzar plus pious President Judge but as usual got no response. I also addressed this to My Lordship Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhary as a Human Right Petition that as to how an organization which is run only and only on expense of passengers/public can be kept out of ambit of passengers complaints but unfortunately My Lordship had to go home. My said public interest petition is under process in the present SC or else is a guess. I addressed this issue to Senator Nissar Memon, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Defenc who through his website, as it appears to be, wants to let citizens of this country believe that his doors are open and any member of the public can approach him on any issue. I did not hear from him too. I addressed twice to Senators S.M. Zafar and Professor Khurshid Ahmed. Like columnist Masood Hassan and like senior intellectual Irshad Ahmad Haqqani I am too hoping such matters will only be taken care of when My Lordship Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhary and his team comes back. For me the word “Mr. Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Choudhary” is not a face, not a name, not a person, but today a new concept and which today or tomorrow, in my and Irshad Haqqani life or thereafter, definitely one day is going to come in our beloved Pakistan.

Earlier twice I got relief from the Federal Ombudsman against PIA. A public spirited person was sitting on the chair of Federal Ombudsman when my one complaint against PIA was being processed by him. He had obtained PIA’s comments on my complaint and I had submitted my Rejoinder over it to him when the Tuhjid Guzzar pious Judge President was so pleased in declaring that PIA and related Departments were out of bound for Ombudsman. As I said it is the man who matters, incidentally the man on the Chair at the Ombudsman Office had also changed who did not interpret against Tuhajid Guzzar Judge President’s “Pleasure” that matters relating to passengers life were not barred. Two months back October my family embarked from Karachi Airport by PIA when from the outside pockets of their baggage items like i-pod etc were stolen. This was done definitely right under the nose of CAA (not PIA) but due to a Tuhajid Guzaar Judge President’s pleasure and because today Justice Sardar IQBALS are no more there I can not even protest. According to this simple Muslim our religion says those who do not protest or struggle on injustices inflicted on them are themselves criminals to the society. But I satisfy myself that my this helplessness is due to presence of Tuhajid Guzaar Judge and non presence of Justice Sardar IqballS.