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What is Big 4 and the benefits of big 4? - Printable Version

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What is Big 4 and the benefits of big 4? - choclatey - 01-28-2009

Hello Every body!

I am new student of icap. I join this site yerterday but when i visit this site i am confused about big 4 which i see in few posts.
Please any body tell me about big 4 and what are the benefits of big 4.
I want to tell you that i know these are the big 4 firms but big 4 means ,Big 4 in world or in PAKISTAN.
If in both i mean in world and in PKAISTAN so what are the benefits of big 4and what are the requirements to join big 4 as a trainee and after completeing ACA of ICAP or ICAEW.

- Pracs - 01-29-2009

Wiki is usually a good source of information, this article on Big4 firms will tell you the basic

Big4 anywhere in the world are the same every where, including Pakistan

- GHK - 02-16-2009

if u watch barclays premier league i can give u an easiest example that can b given.
big 4 in audit firms is like big 4 in bpl that are manu, chelsea, arsenal & deloitte
pwc is like manu, far ahead of others
kpmg & EY r like chelsea & arsenal, almost tied
deloitte is like liverpool, far behind in the race
no offences to ne1 it s 4 illustrative purposes only

"I wanna know God's decision, everything else is detail."

- GHK - 02-16-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by GHK</i>
<br />if u watch barclays premier league i can give u an easiest example that can b given.
big 4 in audit firms is like big 4 in bpl that are manu, chelsea, arsenal & <b>deloitte</b>
pwc is like manu, far ahead of others
kpmg & EY r like chelsea & arsenal, almost tied
deloitte is like liverpool, far behind in the race
no offences to ne1 it s 4 illustrative purposes only

it s no deloitte, it s liverpool. sorry[p]
"I wanna know God's decision, everything else is detail."
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

- imrran - 03-15-2009

those who r unable to get admission in big 4 then un ka kya? is it all over for them?