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Value of US Dollar - Printable Version

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Value of US Dollar - CFANerd - 03-08-2009

Can anyone forecast the value of US dollar in coming months? Remember it can just be a forecast, forecasts can be wrong so feel free to share your views.

- Toronto_Boy - 03-09-2009

I don't see much difference. Just my guess. Forecasting needs consideration of many parameters which neither are available nor I, at-least, am expert in.

- CFANerd - 03-09-2009

I don't why I feel it ll plunge and plunge very deep. Can't analyze it and that's irritable.

- awaisaftab - 03-09-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by CFANerd</i>
<br />Can anyone forecast the value of US dollar in coming months? Remember it can just be a forecast, forecasts can be wrong so feel free to share your views.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
The value of us dollar shall surely fall internationally. Euro is emerging as alterntive international currency in global trade market.


- Toronto_Boy - 03-10-2009

Perhaps feeling and observation of effects of sonami of current recession are new to us, but not to the economy where it generated from. We will have to see history of US economy to see how did they tackle with these in past. Also, see how war torn countries were re-developed and re-constructed after two world wars through credit creation and deficit financing.

To us, problem is, we neither have experience to combat with it, nor prepared. Even in most cases, we don't know what to do, what policies to adopt. Developed countries are more prepared, historically used to bear and combat with the effects of shocks, know what to do, more answerable to their citizens, and are in better position as compared to developing economies. So, they would lead the recovery and would get it at the expense of developing nations. Thus, the developing countries would have to see more severe effects which would have more longer lasting impacts on their economies in long run. Only countries which are in isolation can avoid its repercussions, but how many such countries are there in todays world.

Dears, if US $ would plunge, currencies of many countries would be washed away, as whole global financial system revolves arround US$.

- derivativetrader - 06-26-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by CFANerd</i>
<br />Can anyone forecast the value of US dollar in coming months? Remember it can just be a forecast, forecasts can be wrong so feel free to share your views.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

It depends on the currency you are comparing the US Dollar with. I think the best comparison would be with the basket of currencies rather than just one.

As a result of the current financial storm, the US government (along with a number of other Western governments) had to provide fiscal and monetary stimulus and also to effectively print money (through a process called quantitative easing). As a result of this, the level of US government debt has increased and this would have a negative impact on the US Dollar. But, like the US government, other Western governments, such as UK and Europe, also had similar financial problems have resulted in higher levels of national debt. So, it is not very clear what and if there will be any impact on the USD. I think USD/GBP is close to its fair value. USD was very weak versus GBP before the crisis but then flight to quality helped the dollar and it got over bought. Recently, as the financial storm has slowed down, dollar has weakened as risk appetite has increased somewhat.

Overall, I think as long as sovereign wealth funds and central banks continue to hold US dollar and US dollar denominated assets, US dollar will have a healthy future.


- awaisaftab - 06-26-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by CFANerd</i>
<br />Can anyone forecast the value of US dollar in coming months? Remember it can just be a forecast, forecasts can be wrong so feel free to share your views.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Euro is becoming international currency and dollar loses its value so the value of dollar will fall further soon. Some years ago the whole international trade was made in dollars but now there are two options for the international trader they either use dollar or Euro for foreign trade. Even it is the top priority of some countries to transact foreign trade transactions in Euro. In Pakistan, I am expecting that dollar will reach at a price of between Rs.60 to Rs.70 but now dollar rate is fluctuating between Rs.75 to Rs.82.

Awais Aftab

- Rani khan - 08-28-2009

As its just inevitable so i'll say that value of dollar will of fall.
And after some period if America keeps start printing more and more dollar then there will be alot of decrease in dollar's value.
However this is prediction but my this think touched the
APEX OF surety

- jamesparker - 11-05-2009


I think the reason of the crisis of economics.

- aamalik - 09-17-2010

The biggest threat to Dollar is Trillions of Dollars reserved up with countries like China; Let them open the flood gates n USD did b deep in lurch...

- filmizle - 06-18-2011

I'm new. I want to know .. Do you have a resource..?