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congratulation to all pakistanis - Printable Version +- Accountancy Forum (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum) +-- Forum: General (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum/forum-general) +--- Forum: General Discussion (https://www.accountancy.com.pk/forum/forum-general-discussion) +--- Thread: congratulation to all pakistanis (/thread-congratulation-to-all-pakistanis) Pages:
congratulation to all pakistanis - nakaiun - 03-16-2009 congratulations to all Pakistanis on the restoration of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and all his colleagues. rayisat hogi maa kay jaysi har shahri say pyar karay gi [)][)] - Muhammad Amir - 03-19-2009 YES, Congratulations to all Pakistanis. CIA's 500 million dollars investment on lawyers' movement has finally shown results. The well greased movement of lawyers was fully financed and supported by American CIA. The entire chaos created against the state of Pakistan by these very lawyers is another clandestine operation of CIA and full marks go to these masterminds of CIA who have orchestrated this campaign against Pakistan. CIA controlled media specially GEO (I mean JEW) is the frontline supporter for this entire plot against the state of Pakistan. Vulgar media has tasked by CIA to brainwash innocent Pakistanis against Pakistan and its strong ideological base and thanks to these Messiahs of media who are presenting some spoilers as panacea. I don't know why our people have very short memory and why are they so motivated for Mr.Iftikhar Chowhdhry. He was also a PCO judge who took his oath under the so called military dictator Mr. Musharraf and just because of his personal ego he created political, social and security unrest in Pakistan. Alas! Some innocent people of Pakistan are still busy in felicitations, while the helpless country of ours is seeing the worse moments of our history. May Allah save Pakistan from planted moles of America. - nakaiun - 03-19-2009 there is right of expression to say anything. u have any authenticity abt this cia funding ??????????????????????????? - nakaiun - 03-19-2009 mr iftikhar has admitted his mistake atleast there is someone who is doing this in PAKISTAN.if Allah forgive a man who did 99 killing after he apologizes then y not mr iftikar who has taken so many suo moto notices one of the prime example is missing people i have nothing to say more - danishayub_76 - 03-19-2009 Congrats to all ... Let's see which crises is waiting for our nation. - Muhammad Amir - 03-21-2009 @Nakaiun You are absolutely right that everyone has full right to express his views, so I used mine, is there any problem in this? As far as CIA's funding is concerned, it has been proved beyond doubt that CIA not only exploited lawyers' charade against Ex-President Mr. Musharraf for not cooperating with America but it has also used lawyers' gang to destroy Pakistani economy. Musharraf was not bad for Pakistan but thanks to so called independent Media that presented him as spoiler. Anyway, every thing takes time to unveil and you will soon see the reality of neo-opportunists of Lawyers' Movement. - Pracs - 03-21-2009 Amir as always you has a skewed view of even this. Irrespective of the CIA angle, If nothing else We owe Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry for his suo motto action against the steel mills privatization and the missing persons alone There are a host of other things and issues that are related to this but lets not go into that - nakaiun - 03-21-2009 this army has destroyed Pakistan who give the right to musharrf to capture Pakistan army has a duty to safeguard Pakistani boarder no to rule over it's people when there is no argument to defend for government they always used to say ya parchi walsy journalist ain ko lifafay miltay hain can u prove it ?keep in mind it is Pakistani media who defended Pakistan after allegation were made by india that Pakistan is directly involved in bombay attacks (directly means government) one army man come and trying to teach us what is Islam and his successor came and tell roshan khalya and aitadal basnd Pakistan they rule becoz there is armerica who always support them becoz there safeguard the interest of the west ziaulhaq fought the battle of America made taliban and now muharraf called them terrorist killing innocent hundreds of people if u r acca and u do job and involve in some corruption then what will happened there will be another acca will come take ur job not anyone from engineering side will come up and do the audit - kamranACA - 03-21-2009 Dears, CJ Iftikhar Ch. had been one of the judges who endorsed the prolonging of Musharraf's Regime, who took oath under PCO and who gave decisions favoring army rule. At the same time He was the one who took the historical ever lead in denying the General's order that were accompanied by all the absolute powers General was supposed to exercise. He was the only one who reversed the undue privatization deal of Pakistan Steel. He was the only person who took the maximum suo moto actions against the "BEY HISS" governmental machinery. He was the only judge who took action on missing persons allegedly kidnapped by the American agencies (FBI, CIA) and Pakistani agencies (ISI, MI, IB) in pursuance of the "War on Terror." I may remind you that on August 20, 2007 Ifikhar Mohammad threatened Tariq Pervez (the director-general of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency) with jail if he did not produce ghost detainee Hafiz Abdul Basit. Chief Justice Chaudhry ordered "He must be produced today or you will be sent to the lock-up." Under this threat he was released by the intelligence agencies. Hafiz Basit was later implicated by Musharaff government in the assassination of BB. He was the only judge who paid attention to the issues of poor from minorities like Manno Bhail, that give us pride of being good "rawadar muslims". He was the judge who took action on the arrest of Mr. Abdul Azeez and his family (brother of Abdul Rasheed Ghazi) that was supposed to be handled dishonestly by Musharraf. He was the one who (leading a team of 9 judges) declared the most controversial Hasba bill as unconstitutional. The court under CJ Iftikhar had made rulings against governmental corruption, that was never done before. The court, in his tenure, took suo moto notice in all walks of governance starting from prices of vegetables, song's lyrics to traffic congestion. On November 14, 2007, the Harvard Law School Association decided to award its highest honour, the Medal of Freedom, to Justice Iftikhar, following the military crackdown. He became the first ever Pakistani to be presented with such honor. The Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom is given to selected personalities for their contributions to freedom, justice, and equality. Only two other people have been awarded this honor. The first was Charles Hamilton Houston, an African American lawyer and NAACP Litigation Director who helped play a role in dismantling the Jim Crow laws and helped train future Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall. Former South African President Nelson Mandela is the second. I wonder if these all pertained to CIA. CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry formally received the Harvard Law School Medal of Freedom during his visit to the United States in November, 2008. We all know he was among the leaders who took oath in Balochistan under PCO. This also made him to get promotion to Supreme Court and eventually as CJ. Every person has the pitfalls and no one could be perfect. Every one fears to lose job, earning and position. Time comes when interior of so many of us go for a sleep. The question is how long the interior kept on sleeping. The ones who say that he did this all as a revenge of losing his position are totally on wrong track. The full bench of judges of Supreme Court gave decision of the reference made against him where nothing was proved to penalize him. A dictator had no powers to abolish the position of CJ while he is also a government servant. CJ was always supposed to be on his seat. He could even bow his head for further times and maintain his position without going into all this mess. Army dictators always procure the sincerities and if CJ was salable he could have obtained best price. In fact there came a time when his interior felt that he should not work on the hints of a dictator who himself got his seat by rebelling the constitution. Anything that is right and true, is never late. I wonder on the wisdom of those who never utter out a single word against various injustices but overwhelmingly speak why CJ's movement was there at all. Bad is never called bad. No one criticizes it. So many of us believe such worst leaders as Rehamtullah Aleh. But the one who got a change is being criticized. The people of Pakistan loved him, adored him, and came on roads for him. Politicians did so, even BB, PPPP leaders and ML(N). MQM was never supportive of CJ and this is a fact. It also played Sindh card during the movement to affect it but could not succeed. Let's see what strategy it now adopts since it is habitual of taking the side of whoever is in power. This also has logical reasons keeping in view the losses (by sitting in opposition) it borne in earlier tenures. Either it was the lawyers, political workers or whatever, eventually the masses were there to support the CJ in this movement. The masses to whom we call public i.e. people of Pakistan. They fought for CJ. I wonder if every one in the public is CIA paid. Remember, lawyers or politician can never bring such revolution without public. If some one will call the public insane, I will not agree. Now the public is not a herd of sheep. There is a Hadees that { two persons' opinion is better than one, three persons' opinion is better then two, and four persons' opinion is better than three (and so on), and where the majority would go, Allah's favor and blessing will bestow on them.} I heard this Hadees from Allama Tahir-ul-Qadri. The critics, who are also good muslims, should not forget this Hadees. The voice of people at large is supposed to be the voice of God. The world saw that God's blessing bestowed them. I don't know what time will bring with it since there are always bundles of uncertainties but at the moment the majority has been blessed and this is what Hadees told us. Amir has full right to dissent. He calls Geo as Jew but I feel the issue of CIA funding of Lawyers' movement may also be heard by him through Geo or some other similar CIA affected media or news source. He believes in the news on aired by the media which he calls as Jewish and CIA affected media. When Musharraf was there, he called him by all the names he could. And now he writes "Musharraf was not bad for Pakistan but thanks to so called independent Media that presented him as spoiler." Great job done brother Amir!!! I love to see such contradictions. The news he gets prove to the contrary afterwards and then he changes the opinion. No wonder. It's good at every one's part. However, I will wait for the day when some news on aired by Amir would be proved, even by chance. Regards, KAMRAN. - nakaiun - 03-22-2009 kamran bahi is absolutely right gr8 work done on the pre 9march and post 9 march 2007 - Muhammad Amir - 03-22-2009 @ Mr. Pracha I have no skewed view. Iftikhar Chowdhry's suo motto actions were undue intervention in state's matters. Mr. Musharraf has recently clarified that privatization of steel mills was clear and there were no frauds in that case but Mr. Iftikhar has politicized that case for his personal gains. @Nakaiun You can offcourse disagree with both Gen Zia-Ul-Haq Shaheed (Rehmatullah alleh) and Gen. Musharraf but please refrain from maligning Pakistan Army. @Mr. Kamran Mr. Musharraf has recently clarified that privatization of steel mills was clear and there were no frauds in that case but Mr. Iftikhar has politicized that case for his personal gains. As far as missing people's case is concerned, this issue is complex. First of all we need to separate missing people in to two categories, first is of Baloch rebels and second is of Jehadi Activists. Majority, almost 80% of the missing people belong to first category (i.e. Baloch rebels) they are those people who were involved in anti-Pakistan activities and were working on the payroll of Indian RAW, they were well trained saboteurs and trained in the safe houses of Indian RAW based in Afghanistan, they were tasked to surge secessionist feelings in the people of Balochistan, psy-ops, spy operations, subversive activities, bomb blasts, killing Pakistani security forces and blowing up gas pipelines. The last option that Pakistan army had was to detain all of them in custody because they were involved in the conspiracy against the state Pakistan. The second category is of Jehadi activists, they are further divided in to three categories. First is of those people who had left their homes without any consent of their parents and want to wage Jehad against Americans in Afghanistan so they have nothing to do with Pakistan Army or ISI's detention. This group constitutes major part of missing people who belong Jehadi activists' category. The second group of people is those Pakistanis who had links with Al Qaeda (Arab Mujahedeen will be an appropriate word because Al Qaeda is a foreign puppet) so, their detention was in their own favor because American "BLACKWATER" may have killed them otherwise. The third group of people is of those who were foreigners and activities of these people have always been suspicious in the circles of Pakistani Intelligentsia so, they have been handed over to America. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed falls in this category. You wrote, "Remember, lawyers or politician can never bring such revolution without public. If some one will call the public insane, I will not agree. Now the public is not a herd of sheep." I will just say, it is not very difficult to handle mob specially of Pakistan. Is it? I will give you just one example of Benazir's return to Pakistan from self exile and the reception she received depicted the mob mentality. I have not heard anything like CIA's funding to lawyer's movement on JEW TV. I do not watch TV in first place. It is of common sense that who is funding anti-Pakistan activities, every Pakistani can reach the same conclusion if he does some research and use common sense but common sense is not very common in common people. I don't know why you consider yourself a perfect man and free from all mistakes and consider everyone on the wrong track. You want everyone to say "YES SIR" to you and this is the root cause of all problems. You should change your behaviour because this is not the right way to convince others. Everyone has his own views and he has full rights to express and defend his views, you should possess the quality to hear others as well; and please forget about ruling others because you are not living in Moughals' era. Intolerance toward others is your main problem, you should try to overcome this. You are also attacking me for using Rehmatullah Alleh after the name of Gen. Zia Ul Haq Shaheed (Rehmatullah Alleh). I consider him the conqueror of Afghanistan and savior of Pakistan from the filth of Red Forces that is why I always include his name in all of my prayers and convey the sawab of my good Aaamals to him, whatever little I have. If you want to call him an American agent like many others then it's your right but you can not force me to follow your way. - nakaiun - 03-22-2009 i said all army is corrupt it means the whole top generals it is not individual ziaul haq and musharraf whole army top leadership also involved in illegal capturing of this country y musharraf now come in politics as he is not in wardiand join lota party PMLQ ??????????????????/?? power of wardi has gone he the one who is giving kashmir to India by backdoor negotiations he should be given death sentence by applying article 6 of the constitution mr amir this is a country not a battalion there is a difference in handling both suppose if u have some diease then u will go to a doctor and if that doctor does not done the cure then u will go to another doctor not to any butcher these butcher army generals r the real problems of Pakistan mushharraf said that the privatization is clear aur aap eeman lay aye haaaaaaaaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaahahahaah this is big joke - nakaiun - 03-22-2009 baloch r Pakistani if u do not give them their rights same will be happened that is another bangladesh will become this Bangladesh is came into being in dictatorship this army in ................................................................... fill wid ur choice [D][D] - kamranACA - 03-24-2009 Dear, There had been no intolerence towards your approach. I again confirm my understanding for your satisfaction that you are and every one else is at fullest liberty to have whatever ideas and beliefs which suit you/them. I am no body to create any obstacle. However, being a generalized discussion forum I have a right to dissent here with your views, be it on account of my so-called wrong idealogy or whatever that works behind. There is no YES SIR approach. This is an immoral allegation. If at the end of day any one agrees with my words, it is agreeing with the truth. Same is the thing when eventually I agree to some one else. I no where said that you should not call any ZiaulHaq sort of persons as Rehmatullah Aleh. You are of course at fullest liberty to call Musharraf (previously Muzallal in your view) as Rehmatullah Aleh after his upcoming demise. I, however, don't call him like that and intended to say that if such culprits (as per my view) could be called Rehmatullah Aleh then why we criticize the persons like CJ. This was a note of generalized nature. You may or may not agree. Every one who is/was against the lawyers' movement will one day understand that he is/was wrong. I can bet on it. The judge would be the interior which every one has. This is not a YES SIR seeking attempt. I have no personal benefits. It is the issue of the whole nation. You will feel it one day. Everything takes time. I believe no one should be allowed to work against Pakistan be it baloch or punjabi or else. However, no one whatever the level of crime he/she has been suspected of, could be detained without bringing him/her to the court of justice. Anything done against this concept is extra constitutional and no moral and legal basis could be framed to support this idea. Missing person means nothing but the extra judicial activity our so-called agencies (which work on US instructions) are habitual of doing. We cannot support this wild activity on any cost. If this has to be done a time will come when no body would be safe. This dis-information was spreaded by Musharraf's people to divert the minds of public and you are not the only one who is influenced. If you feel otherwise, you have right to do so but it cannot become the truth. Every criminal whatever kind of crime he is suspected of has to be produced before court within certain limit of time that has been prescribed in Pakistan Penal Code. Whoever contravenes is criminal in his ownself. Musharraf said something and you agreed, is so suspecious and laughing of Nakaiun is not unjustified. Musharraf is a criminal at his own. He has broken the constitution and his penalty is of course death. If he mets such death (which i don't forsee) you may call him Rehmatullah Aleh. I will carry no objection. Regards, KAMRAN. - Muhammad Amir - 03-25-2009 Ok. So, just read the reality at, http//longlivemusharraf.wordpress.com/ You can disagree with Mr. Musharraf, I also oppose him on certain issues but he was the savior of nation and I endorse his leadership. In some other thread you said that you need not to suspect alot and now you are saying, "is so suspecious and laughing of Nakaiun is not unjustified", may I ask you about your right policy? Anyway, baloch rebels are security threat to Pakistan and their kidnapping is justified, they are indian agents and they should be given a wrathful punishment that make them the "Nishan-e-Ibrat". All balochs are not bad only Bugti clan is working on Indian payroll. I would request everyone here that please do not malign Pakistani security agencies by calling them US facilitator. |