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CLIENTS DEMANDING SALES TAX RECORD - aamirmehmood - 03-30-2009

Hi Members,

I want your openion on the following matter.

In practice many mant parties demanding sales tax records from the company like

1 Sales tax return
2 Sales tax Summery
3 Supply register ect.

claiming that their sales tax refund case is in process and these information is to be provided to the sales tax department for their reference.

what is provision of the law in this regard are these companies are entitled to clai these records from the other companies becouse if some one provide this record it would be exposing all the information to demanding company.

- LapTop - 04-07-2009

No one can aske u for these documents
1 Sales tax return
2 Sales tax Summery
3 Supply register ect.

Your coustomer just aske for sales tax invoice at the time of sale, for refunt claim or adjesting Input tax just he depand on sales tax invoice, no other document can be axcepted by FBR.