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How do I become a better auditor - Printable Version

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How do I become a better auditor - Lady Senior Partner - 04-29-2009

I recently started working in an audit firm , and life is getting really tough for me , I really love my job and am keen to learn but sometimes I just cannot understsnd. For example , how I am supposed to use the IFRS while I am working , and also all those controls , assertions ..........ok I get it but the question really is how do you become an outstanding auditor. And also while we are at that If anyone has ACCA text books for F5,6 and 7

- Zaheer Iqbal - 04-29-2009

if you have newly joined the audit firm at very junior level then it will take about six months that you will be in a position to use IFRS practically

on the other end how you can become outstanding auditor then you have to follow the following quote

"we trust in GOD rest we audit"

do not believe on mere discussion try to get documentory evidence and try to see the originals rather than copies as original documents are more evident rather than copy
Try to get external evidence rather than internal
try to look at every aspect like regulatory requirement, any internal requiremen, or any IFRS requirements and try to appy your knowldge at every point.

- Waqar Malik - 04-29-2009

To become good Auditor you must have following personal Qualities

Communication Skills
observant etc etc.

But as well as these, there are other qualities and attributes that a good auditor needs.

The ability to gather evidence
Sorting evidence and decision-making
Putting the picture together
People skills
Audit management
Vision and instinct
Adhering to the rules
A personal development programme

ISO 19011 highlights a number of principles for auditors, such as ethical conduct, fair presentation, due professional care, independence and an evidence-based approach. Please read those too.

If you require any other advice do contact me at [email protected]

- Schuaeb - 05-04-2009

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Zaheer Iqbal</i>
<br />
"we trust in GOD rest we audit"

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Well said

- Zaheer Iqbal - 05-04-2009


- noman - 05-05-2009

you need how to feed a 'GOLI' to your senior/manager....

that is the single most important thing........