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Period of Training - ICAP - Printable Version

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Period of Training - ICAP - Muhammad Ahmad - 05-02-2009

What would be the articleship tenure (ICAP) for a student qualified both CA (Inter) from ICAP & ACCA Skill Module?

Should it be 3 years or 3.5 years?

Please limit your answer with refrence to the student not yet registered for aricleship.


- Schuaeb - 05-03-2009

3.5 years for CA Inter\
3 years for ACCA.

For your case it should be 3 years. For accurate information contact the institute.

- Muhammad Ahmad - 05-04-2009

Thank you Mr. Schuaeb!

- irfan kazim - 05-26-2009

i think now articals are 3.5 years for all students.