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Exemption in ACCA after CA inter - Printable Version

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Exemption in ACCA after CA inter - irfan kazim - 05-30-2009

AOA to all,
Are exemptions available in ACCA and CIMA after CA inter.

- A R - 05-30-2009

three papers are exempted after a person is CA INTER. the papers are f1, f2 and f3 as well as CAT is also exempted. Can any one guide, are there any exemptions offered, if there is a refer in Module D other than that, all the papers are cleared. Hope for a QUICK RESPONSE....

- hmmm - 05-30-2009

according to my information 2 paper exemoted after CA foundation and 5 papers after CA inter?

- A.S - 05-31-2009

F1 F2 AND F3 are exempted after u clear MOD D.
This is authentic info!

- Odyssee - 06-01-2009

After completion of Foundation CAT exempt
After CA InterF1, F2 and F3 exempt
After CA Final F1-F9 exempt
Above info can be verified from

- hmmm - 06-02-2009

thanks for it
its raelly bad thing.
at least 5 paper should be exampted

- irfan kazim - 06-02-2009

It is so embarrassing that after ca inter only 3 paper is exempted. while after ACCA, CA inter is totally exempt.It is just farangee's monopoly.

- Odyssee - 06-06-2009

I dont think that there is any monopoly. Even the ACAs from ICAEW get an exemption of F1-F9 in ACCA.
The exemption should be based on paper to paper basis.
To get a fair view pls compare the exemptions provided by <b>ICAEW to ACCA students</b>. The info below can be verified from http//

<b>Accounting</b> on the basis F3 Financial Statements

<b>Assurance</b> on the basis of F8 Audit and Assurance

<b>Business and Finance</b>on the basis of F1 Accountant in Business

<b>Law</b> on the basis of F4 Corporate and Business Law

<b>Management Information</b> on the basis of F2 Management Accounting
& F9 Financial Management

<b>Principles of Taxation</b> on the basis of F6 Taxation

<b>Audit and Assurance</b> on the basis of P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance

<b>Business Strategy</b>on the basis of P3 Business Analysis

<b>Financial Accounting</b> on the basis of F7 Financial Reporting

<b>Financial Management</b> on the basis of if taken and passed
F9 Financial Management OR
if you have received a converted pass in F9 you will also need paper
P4 Advanced Financial Management

<b>Financial Reporting</b> on the basis of
F7 Financial Reporting & P2 Corporate Reporting

<b>Taxation</b> on the basis of P6 Advanced Taxation

On the other hand paper to paper exemption provided by ACCA to ICAEW students is as follows and can be verified from https//
<b>F1 Accountant in Business</b> on the basis of BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (PROFESSIONAL STAGE)
<b>F2 Management Accounting & F3 Financial Accounting</b> on the basis of ACCOUNTING (PROFESSIONAL STAGE)
<b>F5 Performance Management & F9 Financial Management</b> on the basis of BUSINESS FINANCE (PROFESSIONAL STAGE) PLUS THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT (ADVANCED STAGE)
<b>F6 Taxation</b> on the basis of TAXATION (PROFESSIONAL STAGE)
<b>F7 Financial Reporting</b> on the basis of FINANCIAL REPORTING (PROFESSIONAL STAGE)
<b>F8 Audit and Assurance</b> on the basis of AUDIT AND ASSURANCE (PROFESSIONAL STAGE)

- hmmm - 06-06-2009

it mean that after qualifing ACCA 5 year trining is required?
i cant understand their points.

- Odyssee - 06-08-2009

The info on the following link is about the pathway to ICAEW for ACCA Members ( NOT for students or affiliates). ACCA Affiliates are those who have cleared all the 14 papers but have not yet completed the Professional Training requirement of 36 months.
ACCA Members are those who have cleared the 14 papers as well as the 36 month training requirement. http//

An ACCA Member can get an ACA membership from ICAEW through the pathway mentioned on the link above.

ACCA Affiliates & Students can however claim paper to paper exemption. An ACCA Affiliate with passes in P6 & P7 can get an exemption of the whole Professional stage of ICAEW and will only have to attempt 3 papers of the Advanced Stage of ICAEW as well as to complete the 36 month training requirement.

- irfan kazim - 06-12-2009

exeption should be on the both side.I think 6 or 7 are of ca inter is matched with ACCA like auditing and assurance for auditing in module d. performance management for cost accounting in module d, Tax for tax in module c. law for law in module b. After acca 6 or 7 paper in ca inter should be exempted If paper to paper is exempted

- Odyssee - 06-13-2009

I agree with you.
Similarly ACCA students should also get paper to paper exemption in ICAP of
Paper <b>E14 Advanced Accounting & Financial Reporting</b> on the basis of <b>P2 Corporate Reporting</b>
Paper <b>E16 Business Management</b> on the basis of <b>P3 Business Analysis</b>
Paper <b>F17 Management Accounting</b> on the basis of <b>P5 Advanced Performance Management</b>
Paper <b>F18 Business Finance Decisions</b> on the basis of <b>P4 Advanced Financial Management</b>
Paper <b>F20 Advanced Auditing</b> on the basis of <b>P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance</b>

- irfan kazim - 06-19-2009

Brothe you should accept that this degree is just to felap finance degrees in pakistan. thare is no need of ACCA in pakistan and UK. ACA in pakistan and UK is enough for auditing and finance.

- Odyssee - 06-21-2009

Brother irfan, ACCA is not just a finance degree...the syllabus covers in length the topics of Corporate Reporting, Taxation(UK), Management Accounting and Audit and Assurance just as it cover the topic of Finance... i would strongly urge you to view the syllabus of ACCA and compare it with ANY reputable accounting qualification, such as from ICAEW and ICAP.
You can compare the syllabus of ACCA , ICAEW and ICAP from the following links

ACCA is the largest and fastest-growing global professional accountancy body in the world, with over 493,500 members and students in 170 countries.

ACCA is in existence since 1904... and there is no chance of disbanding ACCA in the foreseeable future because someone thinks so!
Pls get in the habit of giving a more logical and rational argument supported with facts rather than just giving vague statements.

Perhaps the HISTORY of ACCA might interest you which is available from the following link