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taxes on imports - Printable Version

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taxes on imports - ali_akash3 - 12-15-2009

Sorry, may be I am repeating the question.

My brother and I are developing a software and we need few modems to buy from China for that. I am in France and I can pay to the supplier in china directly using either Western Union or Bank TT. We basically need around 50 modems and price of each modem is around 8 USD (we hope that we can buy it in 7USD/pcs).

Anyway, now question is, do my brother need any license to import these? Can I just order it on his name and then he can get it cleared from customs? and any idea which taxes/duties we have to pay? I have checked imports rules and find out that import duty for these modems is 5%. Can someone answer in detail with rought numbers/% for different taxes he has to pay?

- ali_akash3 - 12-15-2009

Search net I found this http// so does this mean I have to pay 15% on assessed import value and 15% on value addition plus 5% import duty and may be some other taxes ....-(

- ali_akash3 - 12-17-2009

koi banda-e-khuda mujhay bhee reply ke daaaay -( itna complicated customs system hai kia hamara?

- Zaheer Ahmed - 12-18-2009


You have to pay.

Custom Duty 0%
Sales Tax 16%
Income Tax 1%
VAT 2%
S.F.E 1%

Alongwith the above goverment due you have also to pay round about 3-5% for other expenses.