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3 Questions regarding CA - Printable Version

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3 Questions regarding CA - alii_90 - 02-22-2010

1) Is the lapse rule really finished as yet or not ? Will it be affective in the march `10 exams or not ?

2) Ive registered for 2 module A exams in march 10 if i give one and am absent in one will the credit of the paper taken will be given to me or not ?

3) Can i cancel my registration of a module paper ?

I`d be looking forward for ur replies..Thanks in advance..

- alii_90 - 02-23-2010

someone plzz replyy !!

- Schuaeb - 02-23-2010

Ali lapse system is not in place yet. As far as your second question is concerned you have to attempt all of the papers and if you remain absent or got bad fail in any of the papers you will have to take whole of the module again. The rules you referred to are not in place yet.

- alii_90 - 02-23-2010

ok thanks for the reply but these are quite disturbing ( u hav any idea till when it might be brought into place ? and what do u mean by "bad fail" if we dont get a "bad fail" then what happens ?

- aamalik - 03-03-2010

it was expected to be in place this March... Now, i just hope it has not gone down the bin ... but v must assume it to be so.... forget it!

- Schuaeb - 03-05-2010

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by alii_90</i>
<br />ok thanks for the reply but these are quite disturbing ( u hav any idea till when it might be brought into place ? and what do u mean by "bad fail" if we dont get a "bad fail" then what happens ?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

According to my information its not going to happen in near future. But why do you bother about that too much. The policy for bad fail is for everyone so even if the policy is gonna be changed, no one is going to have any comparative advantage. I conclude it by saying until other factors remain like this no such policy can make qualifying the exams easier.

- alii_90 - 03-13-2010

Well the rule is same for all so it shouldn't be a worry i guess ! i will be giving module A papers this september Inshallah and i will be taking classes for the qmt paper only..i am thinking of taking classes for one of the papers of module B as well because i m coming from a pre-engg what would u suggest for which of the papers i shall take classes of ?

- Sh.Mohsin - 03-13-2010

This system will be applicable very soon

- alii_90 - 03-15-2010

hmm..can u share wht makes u say that sh.mohsin ?? and sum1 plz tell me for which paper i should take classes with qmt ??

- alii_90 - 03-18-2010

sumbody plzz answer..!!