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AFF khi & lhr - Printable Version

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AFF khi & lhr - Horwath - 04-27-2010

im a acca affiliate
isb hiring is donew in aff kpmg & ey for acca qualified

CAn some one tell me if khi AFF has also hired ACCAs

Will they hire again after CA result in may?

Lastly Lahore AFF when r they hiring?

You can also reply on [email protected]

- toor - 05-06-2010

lahore aff will hire after CA result

- aimaad22 - 05-06-2010

Please dont tell me hiring in AFF isbd is done? That means they have chosen the candidates! You mean the application and testing process is over right!! I was still hoping for the 2nd interview call.

toor if you get info about when AFF lahore will start taking application please let me know!!

- toor - 05-06-2010

i just talked to deloitte lahore. they asked me to submit cv.

- harounkhan - 05-06-2010

Toor, is Deloitte Lahore taking only ACCA Affiliates ya phir part-qualifieds ko bhi le rahe hain?

- [email protected] - 05-07-2010

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, san" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by toor</i>
<br />i just talked to deloitte lahore. they asked me to submit cv.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

email them or what submit the c.v in person at their office

- [email protected] - 05-07-2010

can any1 please send me a c.v layout , cause i have already made a c.v but it's layout is not that appealing