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Internal Auditing Qualification - Printable Version

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Internal Auditing Qualification - [email protected] - 07-12-2010


Hi everyone How are you all people on Accountancy forum.
Basically I am a new user of this website.
I have recently done MPA(Finance) Masters of Public Administration with specilaization in Finace from University of the Punjab Lahore.
My main question is that i am planning for further studies in profeesional qualifications. I planeed foe ACCA but it requires 3 to 4 years. I heard that <b>CIA from IIA </b> is a good professional qulaification and it also dosent requires studies of 2 to 3 years.
Can any one tell me will it be benefitiacl to me for doing CIA with the background of MPA(Finace). Will i able to do internal audit of any organization after dong CIA with comleting its all requirement.
Plz help me in this issuee.

Thanks with best regards