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help me - harris03 - 08-01-2010

i've done my and want 2 you 2 help me.Plz guid me wt can i select now
2.ACCA or ACMA or CA or MIT

- raza 123 - 08-02-2010

If ur a gud student then go for CA...

- S.A.Shamsi - 08-02-2010

Assalam Aliakum,
As far as is concerned it has no value in market,for MBA, Student qualified from LUMS or IBA has good value but you have atleast 4 years of study after Inter (either 4 years graduation or 2 years graduation plus 2 years masters) to take admission in IBA or LUMS.If you talk about Professional qualifications C.A is the best but it is very tough to complete,As for ACMA(ICMAP),CImA or ACCA they are easier as compared to C.A but difficult from MBA,MIT or & have better value from them (except MBA from IBA or LUMS).Now it up to you, which qualification you select.


- popeye - 08-02-2010

i think raza is right you should go for CA.CA is not tough,it just requires consistency and hardwork that you need to put in every field if you want to be successful.

- sigmax - 08-03-2010

@ harris03

From your question I understand that you've done B.Com and not B.Com Honors. In this case i recommend that

1. MBA would have been the best option for you, but the problem is that most good MBA programs require a 3 or 4 year Bachelors degree, i.e LUMS & IBA. etc. So completing an MBA from a good institution may pose certain problems for you.

2. Professional qualifications such as ACCA and ACMA are always a good option to add to your knowledge and skill level. I'm not much aware about ACMA but ACCA is indeed a worthy qualification. It will help you to acquire a BSc Honors Applied Accounting degree from Oxford Brookes University, UK and an MBA from the same institute after the completion of your ACCA and 3 year article ship. Moreover ACCA in itself is also recognized world over. As far as CA is concerned, if you have the passion, determination and a dedication towards hard work then you can surely complete your CA and nothing beats a CA.

3. As far as M.Com and MIT is concerned, these qualifications are good but not enough valued here in Pakistan.