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Date Extended for IT Return - Printable Version

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Date Extended for IT Return - olympia - 08-31-2010

August 31, 2010 FBR extends deadline for filing of IT returns until September 30
Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has extended the last date for filing of returns of income/statements for the year 2010 up to September 30, 2010, says an official statement issued Tuesday.
According to a notification issued on 31st August 2010 - previously the last date for submission of IT returns, FBR has extended until September 30, 2010 the deadlines for filing of annual statement of deduction of income tax from salary to be filed by the employer of an organisation as well as the returns of income required to be filed through e-portal for salaried individuals and statement required under section 115(4) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The decision to extend the deadline has been taken to facilitate the taxpayers in view of the floods situation in the country.

- LapTop - 08-31-2010

Mubarak Ho Ji, hahahahaha

- Information Consultant - 09-01-2010

thank u fbr and olympia

- olympia - 09-01-2010

my pleasure )

- Marium Khan - 09-01-2010
