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Advance Eid Mubarak - Printable Version

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Advance Eid Mubarak - Sarfaraz Khan - 09-08-2010

Maira aj last day in office .jabhi sab ko advance eid mubarak ho P..

- Marium Khan - 09-08-2010

abi to 2 days baqi hn,itni juldi[)]

- Sarfaraz Khan - 09-08-2010

je janab P..boreaon ki companies main kam kar nai ka ye he benefit hai ki eid 2 din phelai ho te hai P..

- Marium Khan - 09-08-2010


- Sarfaraz Khan - 09-08-2010


- yasir_live - 09-08-2010

Khair Mubarak...........And Eid MUbarak 2 U guys as Well.

- raza 123 - 09-08-2010

Eid Mubarak to u too - )

- olympia - 09-09-2010

thnks & Eid Mubarak to all of u ) May Allah always bless us with his blessings (Ameen)

- Marium Khan - 09-09-2010

May the mercy & blessings of ALMIGHTY ALLAH be with u on this auspiciious Eid day & continue to be always and May ALLAH accept all ur prayers during this blessed month of Ramdan.Ameen

Khair Mubarak & Eid Mubarak to all of you[)]

- Sh.Mohsin - 09-09-2010

Try to be happty in this shortest life. Try to make others happy by your presence. This world is so beautiful but with smiles on the faces. Allah bless you all. Take care of you and all other around you.

Eid Mubaarik to all forum members.

- cute-doll - 09-09-2010

Advance Eid Mubarak to all of u.

- Safoora - 09-10-2010

HaPPY EID MAbrooookZ

- Astute Accountant - 09-12-2010

Khair Mubarak and Eid Mubarak to the whole folk from my side as well...