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poetry mix - Printable Version

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poetry mix - Gull - 01-11-2011

When the things go wrong

As they sometimes will

When the road you are trudging

Seem all uphill

When the funds are low

And the debts are high

And you want to smile

But you have to sigh

When care is pressing you down

A bit

Rest if you must

But don’t you quit.

Life is queer

With its twists and turns

As every one of us

Sometimes learns

And many a failure

Turns about

And he might have won

Had he struck it out

Don’t give up though

The pace seems slow

You may suceed

With another blow

Sucess is failure

Turned inside out

The silver tint

Of the clouds of doubt

And you be near

When it seems so far.

So stick to fight

When you are hardest hit

Its when things seem worst

Believe in Allah & must never quite.

And our Lord says


… may be that you dislike a thing and it is good for you ,and that you like a thing and it is bad for you. Allâh knows but you do not know."(2216)

=>So, no room for despair_hope for the best ,be +ve always

"Call upon Me, I will answer you."

"And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me (trust Me-Allah is all Able) that they may walk in the right way."(Al Quran)

=>Need to pray for the best too

- Kasim - 01-11-2011

Welcome to an old member
Hope to see more good posts from urside

but sorry to say

Topic name and topic material doesnt seem compatible
just an opinion of mine
