03-05-2005, 06:02 PM
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mr. bilal, i belieeve tht double qualifications r an advantage. but these shud be relevant to each other as well, in order to complement n strengthen each other. eg, acca + aca, or electrical engineering + telecom engineering ... etc etc etc.
but if the qualifications r so diverse tht they ve nothing to do with each other, then this combination is useless, or is applicable to very very rare situations. eg, acca + masters in psychology, or degrees in computer sciences + persian etc etc !!! i dont think ne1 will take it as +ve combo.
some times, deferring to make combination is more advantegious. eg, if u plan to acquire ACA n ACCA both, then i suggest tht get one of these first, then join the second one. u can get good exemptions in this way. but if u go for both simultaneously, u will not only have to take all pprs of both, but u also will ve to put double efforts.
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live, n let live ...
mr. bilal, i belieeve tht double qualifications r an advantage. but these shud be relevant to each other as well, in order to complement n strengthen each other. eg, acca + aca, or electrical engineering + telecom engineering ... etc etc etc.
but if the qualifications r so diverse tht they ve nothing to do with each other, then this combination is useless, or is applicable to very very rare situations. eg, acca + masters in psychology, or degrees in computer sciences + persian etc etc !!! i dont think ne1 will take it as +ve combo.
some times, deferring to make combination is more advantegious. eg, if u plan to acquire ACA n ACCA both, then i suggest tht get one of these first, then join the second one. u can get good exemptions in this way. but if u go for both simultaneously, u will not only have to take all pprs of both, but u also will ve to put double efforts.
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live, n let live ...