03-09-2005, 04:34 AM
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i beleive tht with the arrival of WTO, the concept of global village shall get materialized in its true sense. every company will ve to think in global, rather thn local/domestic, way. they will compete with the entire world. so the requirements for qualified professionals, particulary for accountants, will also get redefined. the qualifications of international repute shall be preferred over the local versions.
one reason is tht whn companies from all parts of world will arrive, they shall rely upon intertnationally reputed qualifications more thn upon local ones. they dont ve time to evaluate every single local qualification for competence.
secondly, they would prefer international versions in order to homogenize the skills of their professional irrespective of the place/country they will be working. but if they took local versions, the differences shall arrise in skills or whtsoever from country to country. i dont say tht local versions of accounting qualifications will get out of place totally. it shall be a mix of both, but international versions will be preferred.
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live, n let live ...
i beleive tht with the arrival of WTO, the concept of global village shall get materialized in its true sense. every company will ve to think in global, rather thn local/domestic, way. they will compete with the entire world. so the requirements for qualified professionals, particulary for accountants, will also get redefined. the qualifications of international repute shall be preferred over the local versions.
one reason is tht whn companies from all parts of world will arrive, they shall rely upon intertnationally reputed qualifications more thn upon local ones. they dont ve time to evaluate every single local qualification for competence.
secondly, they would prefer international versions in order to homogenize the skills of their professional irrespective of the place/country they will be working. but if they took local versions, the differences shall arrise in skills or whtsoever from country to country. i dont say tht local versions of accounting qualifications will get out of place totally. it shall be a mix of both, but international versions will be preferred.
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live, n let live ...