04-27-2005, 07:04 AM
There is very important role of CAs and ACCAs in a bank. When a bank employes people it follows the following path
CAs/ACCAs >>> MBAs >>> Commerce graduates >>> and other staff
CAs/ACCAs are usualy appointed on higher level as either exective directors or internal auditors.
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]
CAs/ACCAs >>> MBAs >>> Commerce graduates >>> and other staff
CAs/ACCAs are usualy appointed on higher level as either exective directors or internal auditors.
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]