11-16-2005, 08:39 AM
<u><b>ACCA FEES</b></u>
57BP*110(Appx)=6270PKR Registration fee
(Same for every year as annual subscription fee OR gunda tax)
<b>PART1</b> 40*3=120BP*110(Appx)=13,200PKR
<b>PART2</b> 48*6=288BP*110(Appx)=31,680PKR
<b>PART3</b> 56*5=280BP*110(Appx)=30,800PKR
Tuition fee in Pakistan Avgs 8000 per paper
<u><b>ACCA Exams</b></u>
ACCA operates more then 300 examination centers around the world. You can normally sit in exams two times a year, June and December. But you can also sit in CBE (Computer Based Exam)
You can complete maximum 4 paper at a time (minimum no limit) and you have to complete all 14 papers in ten years. Only core papers should be passed at same time. If you have passed two core papers but in one you got marks between 30-49%, you have a choice to pass this paper in next to exams.
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]
57BP*110(Appx)=6270PKR Registration fee
(Same for every year as annual subscription fee OR gunda tax)
<b>PART1</b> 40*3=120BP*110(Appx)=13,200PKR
<b>PART2</b> 48*6=288BP*110(Appx)=31,680PKR
<b>PART3</b> 56*5=280BP*110(Appx)=30,800PKR
Tuition fee in Pakistan Avgs 8000 per paper
<u><b>ACCA Exams</b></u>
ACCA operates more then 300 examination centers around the world. You can normally sit in exams two times a year, June and December. But you can also sit in CBE (Computer Based Exam)
You can complete maximum 4 paper at a time (minimum no limit) and you have to complete all 14 papers in ten years. Only core papers should be passed at same time. If you have passed two core papers but in one you got marks between 30-49%, you have a choice to pass this paper in next to exams.
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]