01-13-2006, 04:19 PM
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ms. madeeha, elaborate wht do u actually mean by MPA!!! u used terms MPA & MNA in last post. if u mean MPA in ploitical context, i ve no idea. but if u mean Masters degree in Publc Administration; i can guide u.
MPA is best suited for HR&Administration departments of any company. it is a promising and lucrative career path. of course salaries varry from person to person and company to company. eg, Telenor hired my friend in HR dept. at monthly salary of Pak.Rs. 70,000 per month. he is fresh MPA from uiversity of karachi. his other batchmaies also have got jobs in good companies at handsome packages.
so, dont b edjected if u r interested in MPA. according to my info, only university of khi and greenwhich univ. r offering MPA programs.
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live, n let live ...
ms. madeeha, elaborate wht do u actually mean by MPA!!! u used terms MPA & MNA in last post. if u mean MPA in ploitical context, i ve no idea. but if u mean Masters degree in Publc Administration; i can guide u.
MPA is best suited for HR&Administration departments of any company. it is a promising and lucrative career path. of course salaries varry from person to person and company to company. eg, Telenor hired my friend in HR dept. at monthly salary of Pak.Rs. 70,000 per month. he is fresh MPA from uiversity of karachi. his other batchmaies also have got jobs in good companies at handsome packages.
so, dont b edjected if u r interested in MPA. according to my info, only university of khi and greenwhich univ. r offering MPA programs.
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live, n let live ...