04-29-2007, 06:50 PM
Mr Imran had already compared CA and ACCA as per his metal level..it's all his thoughts i can't say any more about it because i already identified GUPTA SHUKLA 1965 standard CA's lot of loopholes and lot of ACAs and FCAs really recognized my criticism in this forum and other real life forums too.... i am 1000s of time compared ACCAs prestige in contrast of CA(ICAPs) one can search them in this forum...i am no a qualified ACCA but i ALHAMDULLILAH have great Mashallah Insight in ICAPs policies so it's worthless to talk to people like "Imran" a neem hakeem...i want ask from Mr Imran that how many modules you have cleared of ICAPs CA.....i also want to criticise ACCAs students as well because of their lack of confidence to cope with CAs criticism...Dear all ACCA students you are the members of World's largest and fastest growing accountancy body you have a great monopoly in all UK,USA,Middle East markets you have monopoly in IFAC(International Federation of Accountants Committee) In IFAC your views regarding international standards are always golden words for IFAC in standard making and value addition too there are you people whoes views are hered and these are you ACCA members whose strategies are implemented in IFAC...tell me any more about ICAP what is their value in IFAC will they(Icapians) even show me a singal standard which had passed in IFAC as from ICAPs stand..........thought deep dear.People like Imran are actually complex facing people whose prsonality has already blundered by ICAP's 10s of attempts of each module....i invite all ICAPians that to debate with me on this topic INSHAALLAH i will prove the reality among you as i already proved it in lot of forums too and i always stand by my covinent...........and in the last but not the least thing for ACCAs that is ACCA is having it's own prestige it's own caliber, it's own class which is far much bigger then CA's woh bhi ICAP's so please don't try to make your qualification as the route to CA woh bhi ICAP always think broader don't think only about audit practise lisence ICAP can ony audit in pakistan or may be in some arab countries but ACCAs can Audit in 73 countries of the world......think broader....for example ACCAs must think for qualifications like CFA,CIA,CMA, and others but thinking for CA woh bhi ICAPs is big infact biggest foolishness in all........My last messge to all ICAPians is that please don't complex be calm and cool if ACCA is capturing and destroying your market don't try to show your metality in public forums ..... and i invite to all ICAPians including Imran that please come and do join our ACCA's modern accountancy body...and leave your orthodox, conservative ICAP because futhure will of ACCAs and they will be inshaALLAH in dictating terms in near future INSH_ALLAH....
Muhammad Amir
Muhammad Amir