05-08-2007, 01:38 AM
<font color="blue"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Hehehe........
ambigous nick!!!!!!!
I wasn't aware @ the time when I chose it 4 myself that it would prove ambigous 2 this much extent.
But, 2 b true, I'm enjoying the situation so much some calling me a Bhai n' some calling me "Behna"[p]</font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="blue">
ambigous nick!!!!!!!
I wasn't aware @ the time when I chose it 4 myself that it would prove ambigous 2 this much extent.
But, 2 b true, I'm enjoying the situation so much some calling me a Bhai n' some calling me "Behna"[p]</font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="blue">