05-09-2007, 01:01 AM
I Salute to KamranACA Sahib what a great self made study...I think this is very cheap from the person like you to do these type of activity i once again say that ICAP gurus must think about ethics subject in some where in module D or E......
Can you prove what ever you wrote by anyones prestigeous study like accountancyAGE, or from BIG four articles.........
My dear this is not the good way to throw mud on ACCA...do something which attract people's attention...buit don't do things like this..
Can you prove what ever you wrote by anyones prestigeous study like accountancyAGE, or from BIG four articles.........
My dear this is not the good way to throw mud on ACCA...do something which attract people's attention...buit don't do things like this..