12-17-2003, 10:33 PM
salaam all
mr. Alterego,
i suggest u tht u get full ACCA n not leave it just at ACCA-affiliate. in this way, u will have a good complete qualification in ur hand. u will b able to get some good exemptions in other qualifications as well, like in ACA or ACMA etc.
if u r determined 2 stay n do job in pakistan, thn v all thnow tht CA is the best option ... bt other qualifications tht can get u good jobs r ACMA(ICMAP,PAK), ACMA(CIMA,UK), MBA, CMA/CFM(IMA,USA) etc etc etc ... bt my emphasis iz tht u get complete ACCA membership first n thn embark on new plans.
mr. Alterego,
i suggest u tht u get full ACCA n not leave it just at ACCA-affiliate. in this way, u will have a good complete qualification in ur hand. u will b able to get some good exemptions in other qualifications as well, like in ACA or ACMA etc.
if u r determined 2 stay n do job in pakistan, thn v all thnow tht CA is the best option ... bt other qualifications tht can get u good jobs r ACMA(ICMAP,PAK), ACMA(CIMA,UK), MBA, CMA/CFM(IMA,USA) etc etc etc ... bt my emphasis iz tht u get complete ACCA membership first n thn embark on new plans.