08-01-2007, 03:07 PM
Well Mr Kamran I know It is going to be futile but being my muslim brother i need to clarify something here for you....
And remember one thing that i never decleared anyone as KAFIR, I am not a leaseholder of Islam who can decleare any one as Kafir(Naozubillah)...
Yeh Report my ny bohot mehnat say type ki hay please isko pora read karain a humbal request to all members.
There is a report in my hands named as <b>"DEOBANDI ISLAM THE RELIGION OF TALIBAN"</b> this report has not been written by any mullah or taliban it has been published by <b>DEFENSE LANGAUGE INSTITUTE</b> from wrc.lingnet.org I also have some reports of "MULLAHS" but i think you will not believe init and before going to pros and cons of this report i want to quote Shaikh OSAMA BIN LADEN(Hifzullah) here <b>"AFGHANISTAN is the only country in the world with a real Islamic system.All muslims should show loyalty to the afghan TALIBAN leader, MULLAH MOHAMMAD OMAR MUJAHID SAHIB(Hifzullah)"</b>-Shaikh Osama Bin Laden Sahib,April 2001...
Now this report contains some information relating to International Deobandi Conference,April 2001.It was held in a small town in peshawar under the administration of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam(JUI) keynote adress was of Mu'ammar Al-Qazafi and tapped speaches of Mullah Muhammad Omer Mujahid(Hifzullah) and Shaikh Osama Bin Laden were broadcasted over there....
I am quoting this report because you will never believe in what i will say that's why i am quoting it here...At page 5 of this report under the heading of AFGHANISTAN it was clearly stated that <b>"Centuries of long standing Islamic traditions in Afghanistan were in danger of being pushed aside when the soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979.Ignoring Tribal and ethnic diversity the soviets ran roughshod over Afghanistan sensitivities by insisting on sweeping changes that included stripping women of the viel,requiring women to work outside of the home,Imposing literacy and instituting sweeping land reform.The Afghan Muslim response was to decleare JEHAD to cast out the Infidel(KUFFAR) from their borders.Afghans were spirited fighters because they saw their cause as a holy mandate."</b>
This next paraghaph on page 6 reveals a lot for those who blindly criticise TALIBANS...
"When the soviets left in defeat in 1989 a provisional Islamist government, the mujahedin(worriors of GOD[JO BAD KAY SHUMALI ETIHAD BANAY]) was put in place with the help of the U.N. and U.S. These afghan warriors, steeped in the Deobandi religious tradition were critical of a government that proclaimed the name of Islam but had a strong relationship with the U.S., and U.N.,the soviet Union and in some cases,India.The time and religious climate was ripe for a government void of external influences and steeped in Islamic tradition to claim the country.
In the spring of 1994 two teenage girls from the village of sang hesar were abducted by the mujahedin(SHUMALI ETIHAD's)and repeatedly raped at the local checkpoint.Muhammad Omer(Hifzullah), a retired Afghan commander studying at the local maderssa, gathered 30 fellows TALIBANS(Students) and mounted successful rescue.The Mujahedin commander was hung from a slowly ascending tank-barrel.This was the birth of a movement that came to be known as the TALIBAN.
The Taliban began as a moral force called to arms for the purpose of crushing the immoral and corrupt mujahedin. Its forces fought with a divine(SHARIE) purposes.They were orderly, disciplined, Obedient and strongly determined.living examples of their qualities they developed through years of disiplined study in the RIGID MADERSSA SYSTEM.In early years they were admired among the common aghans for their moral qualities.They were skilled in negotiating a peace with the terms slanted in their favor but when called to battle they were disciplined.There were no reports of rape or looting and force could not be bought off with drug money.In spite of these positive characteristics the TALIBAN has not been a stellar fighting force and has experianced limited success on the battlefield.To date it has not been capable of crushing its longstanding opposition in North(SHUMALI ETIHAD).
From the religious perspective the TALIBAN suppressed the afghan expression of Islam with its heavy handed approach to implementing traditional Islam into every area of the society.Because of this they may be in danger of alienating the very poeple who bought them into power.However, the Taliban has deep roots in Afghan society and Islamic traditions.Given afghanistan's checkered history it is worth noting that this is the only political force in recent memory that has not been artificially creadted.For this reason alone outside governements need to tread cautiously with this regime."</b>
My Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters Especially KamranACA sahib I am sorry once again of being personal to you and I hope being my elder brother you will once again show your elderness to forgive me...My Dear People these above paragraphs are written by a FARANGIE who is not a muslim this is LAMHA-E-FIKRIYA for us that why we see only one side of picture and why we present mixup things..look at again those lines these has not been written by any muslim anyways there is no need to type conclusion of this report here but for your further study i am typing here the conclusion of this report which has been written by a FARANGIE..
this was written on page 6 and 7 of the report under the heading of Conclusion
"From the religious vantagepoint the defeat of the MUJAHIDIN(SHUMALIS) by the Taliban is a clash between two different visions held by two distinct Islamic fundamentalist groups.
The Mujahidin were Islamists who carried the banner of Islam and combated secularism and then communism in Afghanistan.Islamists are modernists who seek a contemporary political interpertation of Islam.Educationally they tilt towards Al-Azhor University in Egypt where they have been strongly influance by the political orientation of the fundamentalist group the 'Muslim Brotherhood'.Because they drew from this model other governments were quick to recognize their authority and they were able to form highly organized political parties.
The Taliban are traditionalists who have only entered the political stream in afghanistan since 1994.They view roll of government and society very differently from the mujahidin.They do not see Islam in political terms but in religious terms.They seek to return to the purity of the teachings of the QURAN and THE SUNNAH(The practices of the peophet<Salallahu-Allihe-Wassallam>).They are products of religious madrassas in pakistan whose roots go back to the DAR-UL-ULOOM(Seminary) in DEOBAND, India.Their history makes the Taliban inclined to organize themselves around regional associations rather than political parties.
Religious edicts are believed to have a divine source so they carry more authority in this society than humanitarian law that stress individual freedoms.The purpose of government is to be a reflection of the divine will(as interpreted by DEOBANDI SCHOLARS),not a guardian of individual rights and liberties as insisted upon by the west."</b>
Further more this report contains some sectarian defination which will be usefull for all.
At page 7 the paragraph states<b>"The Deobandi School and the Taliban are strict followers of the Hanfi legal code.Saudi Arabia strictly follows the Hanbali legal code.This is a divisive point between the Taliban and the Saudi Government.What confuses things is that both Saudi Arabia and the DEOBANDI SCHOOL(i.e. the TALIBAN) are often referred to as "WAHHABIS".This term,which origionally referred to an Islamic reformer in th 18th Century,developed a completely different meaning in india under British rule.What is important for the western reader to keep in mind is that the term "WAHHABIS" means something very different in the Saudi Arabia context then it does in the TALIBAN context.One must never assume that Saudi Arabia and the Taliban share the same Islamic vision...they don't."</b>
Dear Kamran BHAI May ALLAH(S.W.T) give your friend ALA MAQAM in JANAT-UL-FIRDOUS aur In kay GHAR WALOON aur LAWAHIQEENN aur dostoon ko SABR-e-Jamil ATA Farmain A'amen-Ya-Rabal-Aa'lamen...
Also I feel very sad on the incident which has been quoted by Sister Cool-Lioness where one Masoom BACHI was abducted by an <b>Eblees(please don't use the word Moulve with him its my request)</b>..ENHI logo kay liay ALLAH nay AZAB-E-ALEEM TYAR kar rakha hay...
And remember one thing that i never decleared anyone as KAFIR, I am not a leaseholder of Islam who can decleare any one as Kafir(Naozubillah)...
Yeh Report my ny bohot mehnat say type ki hay please isko pora read karain a humbal request to all members.
There is a report in my hands named as <b>"DEOBANDI ISLAM THE RELIGION OF TALIBAN"</b> this report has not been written by any mullah or taliban it has been published by <b>DEFENSE LANGAUGE INSTITUTE</b> from wrc.lingnet.org I also have some reports of "MULLAHS" but i think you will not believe init and before going to pros and cons of this report i want to quote Shaikh OSAMA BIN LADEN(Hifzullah) here <b>"AFGHANISTAN is the only country in the world with a real Islamic system.All muslims should show loyalty to the afghan TALIBAN leader, MULLAH MOHAMMAD OMAR MUJAHID SAHIB(Hifzullah)"</b>-Shaikh Osama Bin Laden Sahib,April 2001...
Now this report contains some information relating to International Deobandi Conference,April 2001.It was held in a small town in peshawar under the administration of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam(JUI) keynote adress was of Mu'ammar Al-Qazafi and tapped speaches of Mullah Muhammad Omer Mujahid(Hifzullah) and Shaikh Osama Bin Laden were broadcasted over there....
I am quoting this report because you will never believe in what i will say that's why i am quoting it here...At page 5 of this report under the heading of AFGHANISTAN it was clearly stated that <b>"Centuries of long standing Islamic traditions in Afghanistan were in danger of being pushed aside when the soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979.Ignoring Tribal and ethnic diversity the soviets ran roughshod over Afghanistan sensitivities by insisting on sweeping changes that included stripping women of the viel,requiring women to work outside of the home,Imposing literacy and instituting sweeping land reform.The Afghan Muslim response was to decleare JEHAD to cast out the Infidel(KUFFAR) from their borders.Afghans were spirited fighters because they saw their cause as a holy mandate."</b>
This next paraghaph on page 6 reveals a lot for those who blindly criticise TALIBANS...
"When the soviets left in defeat in 1989 a provisional Islamist government, the mujahedin(worriors of GOD[JO BAD KAY SHUMALI ETIHAD BANAY]) was put in place with the help of the U.N. and U.S. These afghan warriors, steeped in the Deobandi religious tradition were critical of a government that proclaimed the name of Islam but had a strong relationship with the U.S., and U.N.,the soviet Union and in some cases,India.The time and religious climate was ripe for a government void of external influences and steeped in Islamic tradition to claim the country.
In the spring of 1994 two teenage girls from the village of sang hesar were abducted by the mujahedin(SHUMALI ETIHAD's)and repeatedly raped at the local checkpoint.Muhammad Omer(Hifzullah), a retired Afghan commander studying at the local maderssa, gathered 30 fellows TALIBANS(Students) and mounted successful rescue.The Mujahedin commander was hung from a slowly ascending tank-barrel.This was the birth of a movement that came to be known as the TALIBAN.
The Taliban began as a moral force called to arms for the purpose of crushing the immoral and corrupt mujahedin. Its forces fought with a divine(SHARIE) purposes.They were orderly, disciplined, Obedient and strongly determined.living examples of their qualities they developed through years of disiplined study in the RIGID MADERSSA SYSTEM.In early years they were admired among the common aghans for their moral qualities.They were skilled in negotiating a peace with the terms slanted in their favor but when called to battle they were disciplined.There were no reports of rape or looting and force could not be bought off with drug money.In spite of these positive characteristics the TALIBAN has not been a stellar fighting force and has experianced limited success on the battlefield.To date it has not been capable of crushing its longstanding opposition in North(SHUMALI ETIHAD).
From the religious perspective the TALIBAN suppressed the afghan expression of Islam with its heavy handed approach to implementing traditional Islam into every area of the society.Because of this they may be in danger of alienating the very poeple who bought them into power.However, the Taliban has deep roots in Afghan society and Islamic traditions.Given afghanistan's checkered history it is worth noting that this is the only political force in recent memory that has not been artificially creadted.For this reason alone outside governements need to tread cautiously with this regime."</b>
My Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters Especially KamranACA sahib I am sorry once again of being personal to you and I hope being my elder brother you will once again show your elderness to forgive me...My Dear People these above paragraphs are written by a FARANGIE who is not a muslim this is LAMHA-E-FIKRIYA for us that why we see only one side of picture and why we present mixup things..look at again those lines these has not been written by any muslim anyways there is no need to type conclusion of this report here but for your further study i am typing here the conclusion of this report which has been written by a FARANGIE..
this was written on page 6 and 7 of the report under the heading of Conclusion
"From the religious vantagepoint the defeat of the MUJAHIDIN(SHUMALIS) by the Taliban is a clash between two different visions held by two distinct Islamic fundamentalist groups.
The Mujahidin were Islamists who carried the banner of Islam and combated secularism and then communism in Afghanistan.Islamists are modernists who seek a contemporary political interpertation of Islam.Educationally they tilt towards Al-Azhor University in Egypt where they have been strongly influance by the political orientation of the fundamentalist group the 'Muslim Brotherhood'.Because they drew from this model other governments were quick to recognize their authority and they were able to form highly organized political parties.
The Taliban are traditionalists who have only entered the political stream in afghanistan since 1994.They view roll of government and society very differently from the mujahidin.They do not see Islam in political terms but in religious terms.They seek to return to the purity of the teachings of the QURAN and THE SUNNAH(The practices of the peophet<Salallahu-Allihe-Wassallam>).They are products of religious madrassas in pakistan whose roots go back to the DAR-UL-ULOOM(Seminary) in DEOBAND, India.Their history makes the Taliban inclined to organize themselves around regional associations rather than political parties.
Religious edicts are believed to have a divine source so they carry more authority in this society than humanitarian law that stress individual freedoms.The purpose of government is to be a reflection of the divine will(as interpreted by DEOBANDI SCHOLARS),not a guardian of individual rights and liberties as insisted upon by the west."</b>
Further more this report contains some sectarian defination which will be usefull for all.
At page 7 the paragraph states<b>"The Deobandi School and the Taliban are strict followers of the Hanfi legal code.Saudi Arabia strictly follows the Hanbali legal code.This is a divisive point between the Taliban and the Saudi Government.What confuses things is that both Saudi Arabia and the DEOBANDI SCHOOL(i.e. the TALIBAN) are often referred to as "WAHHABIS".This term,which origionally referred to an Islamic reformer in th 18th Century,developed a completely different meaning in india under British rule.What is important for the western reader to keep in mind is that the term "WAHHABIS" means something very different in the Saudi Arabia context then it does in the TALIBAN context.One must never assume that Saudi Arabia and the Taliban share the same Islamic vision...they don't."</b>
Dear Kamran BHAI May ALLAH(S.W.T) give your friend ALA MAQAM in JANAT-UL-FIRDOUS aur In kay GHAR WALOON aur LAWAHIQEENN aur dostoon ko SABR-e-Jamil ATA Farmain A'amen-Ya-Rabal-Aa'lamen...
Also I feel very sad on the incident which has been quoted by Sister Cool-Lioness where one Masoom BACHI was abducted by an <b>Eblees(please don't use the word Moulve with him its my request)</b>..ENHI logo kay liay ALLAH nay AZAB-E-ALEEM TYAR kar rakha hay...