08-09-2007, 08:31 PM
<font color="red">(Inresponse of some e-mail) If possible please publish</font id="red">
Assalamu Aliekum,
Hope that you may be in the best of Faith and health. Please find answers of your questions. May Allah forgive me for any miss stated thing, Ameen and make all us great muslim having strong faith like Sahaba Karam (RTA).
<b><font color="green">ANSWERS (MY VIEWS)</font id="green"></b>
<font color="teal">In the time of Quresh Makkah, (as you also read) it was must for every boy/person (even many of wemen has technique of fighting) to learn how to fight (Shamsheer zani, Nazabazi, Nishana Bazi, Ghursawari etc) so in that time evrey person knew how to fight and how to tackle weapons.
After this, in the time of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) the "Jazba Jehad" was at its peak point. Every person has got training to fight against any attack of Non-Muslim. When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) announced Jehad' it was the Masjid Nabwi from the sahaba Karam (RTA) and Muslims called for Jehad against Muslim. The examples are Ghzawa Bad'r, Ghazwa U'hd, Ghazwa Khanduq etc. Due to Jehad Muslim were dominated throughtout the World.
Once Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Said to Sahaba Karam (RTA) the Muslim will be defeated by enemy although they will be in more numbers as compared to enemy (more precisely in urdu "bari ta'dad meen honay kay bawajood bi maghloob hongay). Sahaba Karam (RTA) astonished and ask the reason. Holy Prohpet Muhammad (SAW) Replies that when Muslim leave the Jehad (Jazba Jehad will be very less) then they will be defeated and they will be in misery due to their enemy (non-muslims). Now we see the same situation, we are in more numbers as compared to any other religion / nation but we are being detroying by enemies like Israeel, America, Russia and Britain etc.
After Muhammad (SAW) all the four Caliph (RTA) continoued the "Silsilla Jehad". The way was that 1stly they tableegh to non-muslim states to become a muslim, if No then surrender and give jazya, if also No, then they start fight against them.
You see that the students of that time were good citizens, as well as good fighter having strong faith. So i don't know why you are against such askari training. Why we cannot change ourselves same ilke the time of Muhammad (SAW), Sahaba Karam (RTA) and the time of Abbasia / Ummya kingdom. We see that they were scientists, great Islamic scholars and good fighters.
Here the Ulama of Lal Masjid were trying to compaign against "bahaye" and "Nifaz Islamic Sharia". They were acting upon the Quran's Sayings, "Amrobilmaroof Wanahi anil munkir" (Naiki / khair ki taraf bulana our brayee say rookna). Eaman has three gareds 1st If we see sins anywhere, we must stop by power, 2ndly we stop by our toungue (Zaban), and 3rd we think in our heart that its not right. S let me know where we stand, i think we have none level of these Emmani Degrees. Ulama and students of Lal Masjid were trying to follow the above mentioned but alos the government has done misery according to instruction of her master "America bahadur", the role of Musharraf is 100 % like Blood Hound of Jews / America.
may Allah (SWT) bless all of us, ameen..Jazaka Allah
Khurram Jamal <font color="blue">(http//groups.yahoo.com/group/Allah_Muhammad_SAW_Quraan/)</font id="blue"></font id="teal">
<font color="green">
Khurram Jamal <[email protected]> wrote
Assalamu Aliekum wr wb,
When i overview all the situation of Lal Masjid, i remember the Karbala where Hazrat Imam Hussain embraced "Shahdat" and he (RTA) did not accepted to bow before "Batil". Molana Ghazi Abdur Rasheed Shaheed presented his "Mutaliba" very samely as Hazrat Imam Hussain (RTA). But the Governemt who have no intention for diologue "Mazakrat" from 4/5 months. Musharraf only wanted to kill and crash the Islamic Lovers and make country "Naked Pakistan" at the order of USA. I am sure to say he is a "Blood Hound / Agent of USA and Jews". But the reallity that "Islam zinda hota hay her Karbala kay Baad" Khoon-e-Shaheedan Insha Allah zaroor rung laye ga, our Islami Inqalab zaroor aye ga. Insha Allah
May Allah bless all of us and make Islami Inqalab our "Muqaddar", Ameen
Khurram Jamal</font id="green">
<font color="maroon">
Khurram Jamal <[email protected]> wrote
Assalamu Aliekum,
In my views, Basically the Government Role is just like "Blood Hounds / Agent of Jews". Molana brothers are really pious & virtuous persons, as they had / have no personal aim / object. They want for Islamic Sharia enforcement, re-construction of Masajids, no more destroying masajids and Maddaris. As we see their demands are 100 % right, like every muslim wish the defence of Masajids and Madrassas, and enforcement of Islamic sharia / Islamic system Laws in Islamic Jamhoria Pakistan.
Basically government wants to divert the attention from APC and Chief Justice case and to get the support the USA Govt for next election. They have no value of the lives of innocent male & female students, As we have seen & Listened that nearly 200 or 300 students were killed and many citizens. And i am 100 % sure that government has always try to failing the diologue between Lal Masjid Ulama and the Authority, as Shujaat Hussain & Ijaz ul Haq stated. Hamid Mir also stated it in his column, so it means it was the government's early plan to crash the religious people as they are commonded by USA and "Jew Labbi". And now the chain of attacking on Masajids and Madaris will be start by government easily as they create the reason for attack.
Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of hundred's students in Bajoor Agency ? Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of Akbar Bugti & his family? Why we don't blame for destroying nearly 10 Masajids ? Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of Waziristan and Wana ? Why we don't blame govt on injustice against Cheif Justice of Pakistan. why Why why ????? Is this not terrorism ? Why we protect government against such violence. All these situation and millitancy is existed only due to Musharraf & American Pitho Policy.
Government should try to offer a equivalent education system of islamic and schooloing to come over the problem. so every one will enogh educated Islamic and Schoolic so as nobody will be terrorist and no body will support for nakedness/sins.
Today i am very sad as of other muslims at the killing of the more male & female students in Operation and Shahadat of Molana Abdur Rasheed Ghazi. I beg & pray to Almight Allah that May He protect all right and pious people, and help people to enforce Islamic System. Ameen. And may Allah bless the highest place in Jannah to Molana Ghazi Rasheed Shaheed (Ameen)
Allah Hafiz
Khurram Jamal
E-Mail [email protected]
http//groups.yahoo.com/group/Allah_Muhammad_SAW_Quraan/</font id="maroon">
Assalamu Aliekum,
Hope that you may be in the best of Faith and health. Please find answers of your questions. May Allah forgive me for any miss stated thing, Ameen and make all us great muslim having strong faith like Sahaba Karam (RTA).
<b><font color="green">ANSWERS (MY VIEWS)</font id="green"></b>
<font color="teal">In the time of Quresh Makkah, (as you also read) it was must for every boy/person (even many of wemen has technique of fighting) to learn how to fight (Shamsheer zani, Nazabazi, Nishana Bazi, Ghursawari etc) so in that time evrey person knew how to fight and how to tackle weapons.
After this, in the time of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) the "Jazba Jehad" was at its peak point. Every person has got training to fight against any attack of Non-Muslim. When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) announced Jehad' it was the Masjid Nabwi from the sahaba Karam (RTA) and Muslims called for Jehad against Muslim. The examples are Ghzawa Bad'r, Ghazwa U'hd, Ghazwa Khanduq etc. Due to Jehad Muslim were dominated throughtout the World.
Once Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Said to Sahaba Karam (RTA) the Muslim will be defeated by enemy although they will be in more numbers as compared to enemy (more precisely in urdu "bari ta'dad meen honay kay bawajood bi maghloob hongay). Sahaba Karam (RTA) astonished and ask the reason. Holy Prohpet Muhammad (SAW) Replies that when Muslim leave the Jehad (Jazba Jehad will be very less) then they will be defeated and they will be in misery due to their enemy (non-muslims). Now we see the same situation, we are in more numbers as compared to any other religion / nation but we are being detroying by enemies like Israeel, America, Russia and Britain etc.
After Muhammad (SAW) all the four Caliph (RTA) continoued the "Silsilla Jehad". The way was that 1stly they tableegh to non-muslim states to become a muslim, if No then surrender and give jazya, if also No, then they start fight against them.
You see that the students of that time were good citizens, as well as good fighter having strong faith. So i don't know why you are against such askari training. Why we cannot change ourselves same ilke the time of Muhammad (SAW), Sahaba Karam (RTA) and the time of Abbasia / Ummya kingdom. We see that they were scientists, great Islamic scholars and good fighters.
Here the Ulama of Lal Masjid were trying to compaign against "bahaye" and "Nifaz Islamic Sharia". They were acting upon the Quran's Sayings, "Amrobilmaroof Wanahi anil munkir" (Naiki / khair ki taraf bulana our brayee say rookna). Eaman has three gareds 1st If we see sins anywhere, we must stop by power, 2ndly we stop by our toungue (Zaban), and 3rd we think in our heart that its not right. S let me know where we stand, i think we have none level of these Emmani Degrees. Ulama and students of Lal Masjid were trying to follow the above mentioned but alos the government has done misery according to instruction of her master "America bahadur", the role of Musharraf is 100 % like Blood Hound of Jews / America.
may Allah (SWT) bless all of us, ameen..Jazaka Allah
Khurram Jamal <font color="blue">(http//groups.yahoo.com/group/Allah_Muhammad_SAW_Quraan/)</font id="blue"></font id="teal">
<font color="green">
Khurram Jamal <[email protected]> wrote
Assalamu Aliekum wr wb,
When i overview all the situation of Lal Masjid, i remember the Karbala where Hazrat Imam Hussain embraced "Shahdat" and he (RTA) did not accepted to bow before "Batil". Molana Ghazi Abdur Rasheed Shaheed presented his "Mutaliba" very samely as Hazrat Imam Hussain (RTA). But the Governemt who have no intention for diologue "Mazakrat" from 4/5 months. Musharraf only wanted to kill and crash the Islamic Lovers and make country "Naked Pakistan" at the order of USA. I am sure to say he is a "Blood Hound / Agent of USA and Jews". But the reallity that "Islam zinda hota hay her Karbala kay Baad" Khoon-e-Shaheedan Insha Allah zaroor rung laye ga, our Islami Inqalab zaroor aye ga. Insha Allah
May Allah bless all of us and make Islami Inqalab our "Muqaddar", Ameen
Khurram Jamal</font id="green">
<font color="maroon">
Khurram Jamal <[email protected]> wrote
Assalamu Aliekum,
In my views, Basically the Government Role is just like "Blood Hounds / Agent of Jews". Molana brothers are really pious & virtuous persons, as they had / have no personal aim / object. They want for Islamic Sharia enforcement, re-construction of Masajids, no more destroying masajids and Maddaris. As we see their demands are 100 % right, like every muslim wish the defence of Masajids and Madrassas, and enforcement of Islamic sharia / Islamic system Laws in Islamic Jamhoria Pakistan.
Basically government wants to divert the attention from APC and Chief Justice case and to get the support the USA Govt for next election. They have no value of the lives of innocent male & female students, As we have seen & Listened that nearly 200 or 300 students were killed and many citizens. And i am 100 % sure that government has always try to failing the diologue between Lal Masjid Ulama and the Authority, as Shujaat Hussain & Ijaz ul Haq stated. Hamid Mir also stated it in his column, so it means it was the government's early plan to crash the religious people as they are commonded by USA and "Jew Labbi". And now the chain of attacking on Masajids and Madaris will be start by government easily as they create the reason for attack.
Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of hundred's students in Bajoor Agency ? Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of Akbar Bugti & his family? Why we don't blame for destroying nearly 10 Masajids ? Why we don't blame for terrorism against the killing of Waziristan and Wana ? Why we don't blame govt on injustice against Cheif Justice of Pakistan. why Why why ????? Is this not terrorism ? Why we protect government against such violence. All these situation and millitancy is existed only due to Musharraf & American Pitho Policy.
Government should try to offer a equivalent education system of islamic and schooloing to come over the problem. so every one will enogh educated Islamic and Schoolic so as nobody will be terrorist and no body will support for nakedness/sins.
Today i am very sad as of other muslims at the killing of the more male & female students in Operation and Shahadat of Molana Abdur Rasheed Ghazi. I beg & pray to Almight Allah that May He protect all right and pious people, and help people to enforce Islamic System. Ameen. And may Allah bless the highest place in Jannah to Molana Ghazi Rasheed Shaheed (Ameen)
Allah Hafiz
Khurram Jamal
E-Mail [email protected]
http//groups.yahoo.com/group/Allah_Muhammad_SAW_Quraan/</font id="maroon">