11-17-2007, 03:05 PM
Conjure (1)
Conjure up
- Create a picture or memory in someone's mind
- Create something without many resources
Conk (1)
Conk out
- Fall fast asleep
- Suddenly breakdown or stop working
Contract (3)
Contract in
- Become involved or committed to something
Contract out
- Give a contract for a service outside the company you work for
Contract out of
- Formally leave and agreement
Cool (1)
Cool down
- Get cooler
- Become calm
Coop (1)
Coop up
- Confine in a small area
Cop (3)
Cop it
- Get into trouble
Cop off
- Leave work or school early
- Kiss, pet or have sex with someone
Cop out
- Choose an easy alternative
Cotton (1)
Cotton on
- To work out the truth
Could (1)
Could do with
- Need or want something
Conjure up
- Create a picture or memory in someone's mind
- Create something without many resources
Conk (1)
Conk out
- Fall fast asleep
- Suddenly breakdown or stop working
Contract (3)
Contract in
- Become involved or committed to something
Contract out
- Give a contract for a service outside the company you work for
Contract out of
- Formally leave and agreement
Cool (1)
Cool down
- Get cooler
- Become calm
Coop (1)
Coop up
- Confine in a small area
Cop (3)
Cop it
- Get into trouble
Cop off
- Leave work or school early
- Kiss, pet or have sex with someone
Cop out
- Choose an easy alternative
Cotton (1)
Cotton on
- To work out the truth
Could (1)
Could do with
- Need or want something