07-20-2008, 07:55 PM
Dear Mr Kamran ACA, I have never agreed with you on your obscene propaganda against Taliban and Mujahedeen, however, I have always appreciated you on your statements for educational and technical reformation in Islamic countries. Moreover, I have always said that Taliban are not masomeen and there can be in fact there are some wrong policies adopted by them but still they are more powerful and truthful defenders of islam like Salah-ud-deen Ayuebi, Noor-ud-deen Zangi, Imam Ibn-e-Taimia and others(Rehmatullah-e-Allihim). Our prophet Hazrat Muhammad(Slallahu-alih-e-Wasallam) once said that If you see any thing wrong in islamic society stop it by your hands, if not then stop it by your words, even if you have no power to do so then at least consider it as wrong and this is the last stage of e'man(i.e. belief). The details for first stage (i.e. stopple by hands) are that it can only be done by a proper organization in the leadership of Ameer and he should actually be authorized by muslim government to do so it is a task of government not a common man but for this a leader of government should be a muslim not a communist. I think these details are enough for you in order to understand the legitimacy of commander mangal bagh's actions.
As far as Major General Zaheer-ul-Islam Abbasi and his plan to over take Benazir's regime is concerned I think his attempt was good and workable but again we have some meers in us as we always have, they always do what one mir did at maesoor and other at bengaal. These defectors are always become hurdle in reformation of Islamic system.
I have seen people who always point that Taliban are barbaric because they are slitting the throats, they are killing common people (who are in fact the spies of America and defectors) and they are committing suicidal attacks but they never see the barbarism of American forces on them nor they see the bombing of Pakistani forces on innocent tribes nor they see the missile attacks of American forces in WANA and in BAJOUR nor they see the usage of heavy ammunition on innocent tribes (i.e. women and children, a recent incident of nooristan has been featured in press). Those who are aware of Pashtoonvali can consider the reaction of these acts. These were the same Taliban who were used to be the front line defenders of Pakistani borders, they were these people who killed so many Indian Spies of Research and Analysis Wing in Afghanistan, they were these people who after the withdrawal of Russian forces brought peace to their homeland, they were these people who after the withdrawal of Russian forces give cheap and swift justice to their people, they were these mullahs who have almost killed the major warlords in Afghanistan including the infidel ahmed shah masood and his northern alliance, they were these people who have almost demolished the whole opium crop in Afghanistan during their shria ruling and mind it opium was the only lucrative business in Afghanistan at that time and remember this was the same time when UNO imposed the ban on Afghanistan, they were these mullahs who took actions against smugglers of opium and kidnappers of innocent tribes. Taliban were never a cultured and sophisticated movement because most of them come from the poor background and this is not a great shock to anyone but they did restore law and order in Afghanistan and they did substantially reduce the cultivation of Opium.
I am not against the financial, economic, educational and technical reformation but we have to follow the foot prints of our AKABEREEN they were also not against these improvements but jehad is the most privileged thing amongst themselves.
You have labeled "JEHAD" as "a wild militant activity" in your above post, now I can consider where your roots are. Please stop this naked and obscene propaganda against "Hurriat Pasands" if you can't support them morally then at least refrain yourself from delivering these sordid statements.
Kafir ho to shamsheer pay karta hay bharoosa
Momin ho to bey taigh bhe larta hay sepaahe
Read this article of Pak Tribune, this is the reason why tribal areas are burning.
As far as Major General Zaheer-ul-Islam Abbasi and his plan to over take Benazir's regime is concerned I think his attempt was good and workable but again we have some meers in us as we always have, they always do what one mir did at maesoor and other at bengaal. These defectors are always become hurdle in reformation of Islamic system.
I have seen people who always point that Taliban are barbaric because they are slitting the throats, they are killing common people (who are in fact the spies of America and defectors) and they are committing suicidal attacks but they never see the barbarism of American forces on them nor they see the bombing of Pakistani forces on innocent tribes nor they see the missile attacks of American forces in WANA and in BAJOUR nor they see the usage of heavy ammunition on innocent tribes (i.e. women and children, a recent incident of nooristan has been featured in press). Those who are aware of Pashtoonvali can consider the reaction of these acts. These were the same Taliban who were used to be the front line defenders of Pakistani borders, they were these people who killed so many Indian Spies of Research and Analysis Wing in Afghanistan, they were these people who after the withdrawal of Russian forces brought peace to their homeland, they were these people who after the withdrawal of Russian forces give cheap and swift justice to their people, they were these mullahs who have almost killed the major warlords in Afghanistan including the infidel ahmed shah masood and his northern alliance, they were these people who have almost demolished the whole opium crop in Afghanistan during their shria ruling and mind it opium was the only lucrative business in Afghanistan at that time and remember this was the same time when UNO imposed the ban on Afghanistan, they were these mullahs who took actions against smugglers of opium and kidnappers of innocent tribes. Taliban were never a cultured and sophisticated movement because most of them come from the poor background and this is not a great shock to anyone but they did restore law and order in Afghanistan and they did substantially reduce the cultivation of Opium.
I am not against the financial, economic, educational and technical reformation but we have to follow the foot prints of our AKABEREEN they were also not against these improvements but jehad is the most privileged thing amongst themselves.
You have labeled "JEHAD" as "a wild militant activity" in your above post, now I can consider where your roots are. Please stop this naked and obscene propaganda against "Hurriat Pasands" if you can't support them morally then at least refrain yourself from delivering these sordid statements.
Kafir ho to shamsheer pay karta hay bharoosa
Momin ho to bey taigh bhe larta hay sepaahe
Read this article of Pak Tribune, this is the reason why tribal areas are burning.