01-21-2009, 05:27 AM
Asalam-O-Alikom Wa Rahmattualh-e-Wa-Barakat.
Dear Members,
I was absent from this forum since long time, partly due to exam pressure and mainly due to futile and endless debates. However, now I am here once again to give some clarifications from my side. First of all I apologize for every thing that I said to everyone specially to Mr Kamran. I hope every one of you will forgive me for all of my words. My views have changed after reading Zaid Haimid's columns of Brasstacks. Some people here think that I advocate suicide attacks but the reality is that I always condemn such attacks, however, I may have written something in anger that may led you to believe that I am a proponent of suicide attacks. But believe me I never liked such things. MOSSAD, CIA and RAW are behind the suicide attacks conspiracy in Pakistan. Those who claimed to be Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and using the name of Taliban for their sinister agenda are thugs, drug mafia, CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents in disguise. They are not real Taliban, Afghan Taliban are the real Taliban who are true Mujahids. Armament Supply of such fake Taliban groups that are fighting against the state of Pakistan and Pakistani forces is coming from Afghanistan. However, this group of thugs that is nurtured and protected by foreign agencies and operating in SWAT and BAJOUR and claiming to be the Taliban consists of very few handpicked people but still majority of the large groups of Taliban are truly patriotic and true Mujahids like groups of Mullah Nazeer in North Waziristan, Hafiz Gul Bahadur in south Waziristan and Haji Namdar in Khyber agency. They all are truly patriotic and real Mujahids. They have never been involved in suicide attacks in Pakistan. CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents have heavily infiltrated in the Groups of Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah and now they are destabilizing Pakistan, the disgusting problem is that the strayed young fighters and leaders of such groups don't know about the real faces of their handlers. American CIA, British MI-6, German BND, Indian RAW and Afghan FSB are financing such groups and supplying them armaments from Afghanistan's "Sarobi" cell. Afghanistan has now become a center for all Anti-Pakistan, Anti-China, Anti-Iran and Anti-Russian conspiracies. According to Gen(r) Mirza Aslam Baig sahib, America and India are destabilizing Pakistan and China. Americans and Indians are using Faiz abad against china, Hirat against Iran, Mazar-e-Sharif against Russia and Central Asian states; Qandhar and Sarobi against Pakistan. Qandhar has its forward bases at Lashkargah and Nawah. Target areas of these bases are Balochistan and NWFP. Armaments of Indian factories are using in Balochistan, Bajour and Sawat. The RDX used in Marriott hotel attacks was given to terrorists from Sarobi's cell by one of the Indian army officer. In bajour some of the arrested terrorists were found to be the agents of RAW and MOSSAD, Tribal elder Haji Karim Salarzai of Bajour told that <font color="red">"These so-called Taleban(RAW/Mossad agents) do not know even 10 verses of the Quran, and they call themselves religious scholars! They have killed elders of the tribes and innocent people, they are miscreants and they are receiving aid from the foreign countries(America, India and Israhell). They are creating an atmosphere of disturbance which has affected the life of the general public in the area." </font id="red"> Actual objective of this post is to let all of you know about the conspiracy that is in progress against Pakistan. RAW and MOSSAD are supplying the arms and ammunition to BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) and TTP (Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan) which has nothing to do with Taliban. Taliban have never been involved in anti-Pakistan activities instead they are true friends of Pakistan and still Taliban leaders and fighters are loyal to Pakistan, they understand the pressure that was created on Pakistan after 2001. Taliban supreme commander Mullah Muhammad Omer Mujahid reprehended very harshly those groups that were involved in fighting against Pakistan and Pakistani forces and back in 2006 he removed Baitullah Mehsud from Taliban leadership because of his anti Pakistan agenda. On tribal belt there are two camps one is of pro-Pakistani patriotic Mujahids that are fighting against the invasion of swine American crusaders in Afghanistan, second group consists of handpicked terrorists they are thugs, drugs mafia and RAW/MOSSAD/CIA agents, this second group is using the anger of local population against Pakistan army and Pakistani state and this local anger is used in form of suicide attacks through out Pakistan. Hindus of Hindutva and Jews of Zion want to destroy our motherland Pakistan and for this purpose they can go to any limit. Just an example here, look at what Ben Gurion said about Pakistan.
<font color="red">"It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."</font id="red"> - David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, Jewish Chronicle 9 August 1967.
The beneficiaries of all this bloodshed in Pakistan are Piss Drinking Hindu Terrorist state India and Genocide, Obscurantist, Terrorist, Anti-Human, Hell fire (Sheol in Hebrew) and Zionist state Israhell. Swine American invaders want to make India a Policeman of south Asia so that Hindu terrorist India can control China as well as Pakistan but Americans forget about the ability of Indians (I mean disability). Piss drinking Hindu is very wicked nation on earth but their wickedness is limited to their dirty politics, Hindus are bunch of cowards they don't have an ability to fight against any nation, they can only kill innocent people of Kashmir, Assam, Khalistan and Tamil Nadu and they can only do back stabbing like they are doing in Balochistan and Tribal areas but they don't have an ability to fight face to face.
It has also been evident by Pakistani intelligence agencies that RAW and MOSSAD agents have been heavily infiltrated in secessionist parties of Pakistan like ANP (Awami National Party), BNP (Balochistan National Party), JSQM (Jiay Sindh Quomi Movement), MQM and other secessionist parties. One of Intelligence report also highlights that India and Israel is behind the sectarian clashes between various groups in Pakistan.
As far as issue of Al Qaeda is concerned, it's no longer remains the same Al Qaeda of pre 9/11. They are playing in the hands of Zionists and again foreign agents have been heavily infiltrated in Al Qaeda. It is also to inform you that Osama Bin Laden no longer remains with Al Qaeda and he has probably been martyred in 2003. After his martyrdom, a Takferri group is running Al Qaeda which is the modern form of Khawarij. They have declared common Pakistanis and Pakistani forces as Kafir and they are playing in the hands of Zionists and Neo-Cons. They are ruthless people and they don't feel any fear of Allah when they slit the throats of innocent people. This Takfiri group has been infiltrated in Baithullah Mehsod's group so that they can fulfill their sinister agenda. Afghan Taliban have already shown that they don't have any links with Al Qaeda or Takfiri group. Some people mix Al Qaeda with Arab Mujahedeen but this is wrong, majority almost 95% of the Arab Mujahideen have distanced themselves from Al Qaeda because of Egyptian Takfiri group dominance in Al Qaeda. Some people also mix Taliban with Al Qaeda but this is also wrong. Al Qaeda wants to make the whole world their playground, on the other hand, Taliban don't have any international agenda they are doing Jihad against the invasion of swine American crusaders because American crusaders have occupied their motherland Afghanistan. It is the right of Taliban to liberate their motherland from American invasion and no one can deprive this right from them.
Another reality that has often been over sighted by majority of the people and not become so common is that USA in its initial years of Afghanistan invasion has offered the top brass of Afghan Taliban that USA has nothing to do with them or Al Qaeda they actually want their cells to be established in border areas of Afghanistan so that they can control China, Central Asia and Russia, Pakistan and Iran but Taliban supreme leader Mullah Muhammad Omer has rejected that offer of America and he clearly told the USA that he do not want any foreign element in Afghanistan and he will fight till the last drop of his blood against illegitimate American invasion. So, America is here in Afghanistan to control China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan not for fighting against Al Qaeda or Taliban, in fact Al Qaeda is the "Cover Storey" of American invasion. On the other hand, Taliban can not see American occupation on their motherland. China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan to some extent are giving them full support to fight against American invasion and up till now they have given better lesson to USA.
In my humble opinion alleging Taliban or Pakistan Army or General Zia-Ul-Haq as American agent is not right. If you explore through USSR invasion in Afghanistan you will see that red forces were continuously occupying Central Asian land, their ultimate target was GAWADAR port because Central Asian sea ports were used to be available for them only for six months a year and they were frozen for rest of six months because of this problem they can only perform their trading activities for six months. They require an international port that they can use for the whole year and it was no one other than the GAWADAR. So, it was in the best interest of Pakistan to stop Russia in Afghanistan and certainly because of this reason Pakistan has started to support Afghanistan resistance movement. America was not involved in this war till 1986 but when Americans saw the opportunity to destroy USSR in Afghanistan they decided to take on the gamble and they have started to supply stingers to Pakistan Army not directly to Afghan Mujahedeen. It was actually the Pakistan Army that trained the Mujahedeen and supplied them stingers because USSR's defeat in Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan too. Now, there are three beneficiaries of this war Pakistan, Afghanistan and America and they all have a same enemy that was USSR. If we see the history without prejudice or general stereotypes we will see that Gen Zia Ul Haq saved Pakistan and Afghanistan from USSR invasion. Saying him an American agent will not be right.
Once again I appologize for my behaviour.
I hope I have cleared my position on various issues.
Muhammad Amir
Dear Members,
I was absent from this forum since long time, partly due to exam pressure and mainly due to futile and endless debates. However, now I am here once again to give some clarifications from my side. First of all I apologize for every thing that I said to everyone specially to Mr Kamran. I hope every one of you will forgive me for all of my words. My views have changed after reading Zaid Haimid's columns of Brasstacks. Some people here think that I advocate suicide attacks but the reality is that I always condemn such attacks, however, I may have written something in anger that may led you to believe that I am a proponent of suicide attacks. But believe me I never liked such things. MOSSAD, CIA and RAW are behind the suicide attacks conspiracy in Pakistan. Those who claimed to be Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and using the name of Taliban for their sinister agenda are thugs, drug mafia, CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents in disguise. They are not real Taliban, Afghan Taliban are the real Taliban who are true Mujahids. Armament Supply of such fake Taliban groups that are fighting against the state of Pakistan and Pakistani forces is coming from Afghanistan. However, this group of thugs that is nurtured and protected by foreign agencies and operating in SWAT and BAJOUR and claiming to be the Taliban consists of very few handpicked people but still majority of the large groups of Taliban are truly patriotic and true Mujahids like groups of Mullah Nazeer in North Waziristan, Hafiz Gul Bahadur in south Waziristan and Haji Namdar in Khyber agency. They all are truly patriotic and real Mujahids. They have never been involved in suicide attacks in Pakistan. CIA, RAW and MOSSAD agents have heavily infiltrated in the Groups of Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah and now they are destabilizing Pakistan, the disgusting problem is that the strayed young fighters and leaders of such groups don't know about the real faces of their handlers. American CIA, British MI-6, German BND, Indian RAW and Afghan FSB are financing such groups and supplying them armaments from Afghanistan's "Sarobi" cell. Afghanistan has now become a center for all Anti-Pakistan, Anti-China, Anti-Iran and Anti-Russian conspiracies. According to Gen(r) Mirza Aslam Baig sahib, America and India are destabilizing Pakistan and China. Americans and Indians are using Faiz abad against china, Hirat against Iran, Mazar-e-Sharif against Russia and Central Asian states; Qandhar and Sarobi against Pakistan. Qandhar has its forward bases at Lashkargah and Nawah. Target areas of these bases are Balochistan and NWFP. Armaments of Indian factories are using in Balochistan, Bajour and Sawat. The RDX used in Marriott hotel attacks was given to terrorists from Sarobi's cell by one of the Indian army officer. In bajour some of the arrested terrorists were found to be the agents of RAW and MOSSAD, Tribal elder Haji Karim Salarzai of Bajour told that <font color="red">"These so-called Taleban(RAW/Mossad agents) do not know even 10 verses of the Quran, and they call themselves religious scholars! They have killed elders of the tribes and innocent people, they are miscreants and they are receiving aid from the foreign countries(America, India and Israhell). They are creating an atmosphere of disturbance which has affected the life of the general public in the area." </font id="red"> Actual objective of this post is to let all of you know about the conspiracy that is in progress against Pakistan. RAW and MOSSAD are supplying the arms and ammunition to BLA (Baloch Liberation Army) and TTP (Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan) which has nothing to do with Taliban. Taliban have never been involved in anti-Pakistan activities instead they are true friends of Pakistan and still Taliban leaders and fighters are loyal to Pakistan, they understand the pressure that was created on Pakistan after 2001. Taliban supreme commander Mullah Muhammad Omer Mujahid reprehended very harshly those groups that were involved in fighting against Pakistan and Pakistani forces and back in 2006 he removed Baitullah Mehsud from Taliban leadership because of his anti Pakistan agenda. On tribal belt there are two camps one is of pro-Pakistani patriotic Mujahids that are fighting against the invasion of swine American crusaders in Afghanistan, second group consists of handpicked terrorists they are thugs, drugs mafia and RAW/MOSSAD/CIA agents, this second group is using the anger of local population against Pakistan army and Pakistani state and this local anger is used in form of suicide attacks through out Pakistan. Hindus of Hindutva and Jews of Zion want to destroy our motherland Pakistan and for this purpose they can go to any limit. Just an example here, look at what Ben Gurion said about Pakistan.
<font color="red">"It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."</font id="red"> - David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, Jewish Chronicle 9 August 1967.
The beneficiaries of all this bloodshed in Pakistan are Piss Drinking Hindu Terrorist state India and Genocide, Obscurantist, Terrorist, Anti-Human, Hell fire (Sheol in Hebrew) and Zionist state Israhell. Swine American invaders want to make India a Policeman of south Asia so that Hindu terrorist India can control China as well as Pakistan but Americans forget about the ability of Indians (I mean disability). Piss drinking Hindu is very wicked nation on earth but their wickedness is limited to their dirty politics, Hindus are bunch of cowards they don't have an ability to fight against any nation, they can only kill innocent people of Kashmir, Assam, Khalistan and Tamil Nadu and they can only do back stabbing like they are doing in Balochistan and Tribal areas but they don't have an ability to fight face to face.
It has also been evident by Pakistani intelligence agencies that RAW and MOSSAD agents have been heavily infiltrated in secessionist parties of Pakistan like ANP (Awami National Party), BNP (Balochistan National Party), JSQM (Jiay Sindh Quomi Movement), MQM and other secessionist parties. One of Intelligence report also highlights that India and Israel is behind the sectarian clashes between various groups in Pakistan.
As far as issue of Al Qaeda is concerned, it's no longer remains the same Al Qaeda of pre 9/11. They are playing in the hands of Zionists and again foreign agents have been heavily infiltrated in Al Qaeda. It is also to inform you that Osama Bin Laden no longer remains with Al Qaeda and he has probably been martyred in 2003. After his martyrdom, a Takferri group is running Al Qaeda which is the modern form of Khawarij. They have declared common Pakistanis and Pakistani forces as Kafir and they are playing in the hands of Zionists and Neo-Cons. They are ruthless people and they don't feel any fear of Allah when they slit the throats of innocent people. This Takfiri group has been infiltrated in Baithullah Mehsod's group so that they can fulfill their sinister agenda. Afghan Taliban have already shown that they don't have any links with Al Qaeda or Takfiri group. Some people mix Al Qaeda with Arab Mujahedeen but this is wrong, majority almost 95% of the Arab Mujahideen have distanced themselves from Al Qaeda because of Egyptian Takfiri group dominance in Al Qaeda. Some people also mix Taliban with Al Qaeda but this is also wrong. Al Qaeda wants to make the whole world their playground, on the other hand, Taliban don't have any international agenda they are doing Jihad against the invasion of swine American crusaders because American crusaders have occupied their motherland Afghanistan. It is the right of Taliban to liberate their motherland from American invasion and no one can deprive this right from them.
Another reality that has often been over sighted by majority of the people and not become so common is that USA in its initial years of Afghanistan invasion has offered the top brass of Afghan Taliban that USA has nothing to do with them or Al Qaeda they actually want their cells to be established in border areas of Afghanistan so that they can control China, Central Asia and Russia, Pakistan and Iran but Taliban supreme leader Mullah Muhammad Omer has rejected that offer of America and he clearly told the USA that he do not want any foreign element in Afghanistan and he will fight till the last drop of his blood against illegitimate American invasion. So, America is here in Afghanistan to control China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan not for fighting against Al Qaeda or Taliban, in fact Al Qaeda is the "Cover Storey" of American invasion. On the other hand, Taliban can not see American occupation on their motherland. China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan to some extent are giving them full support to fight against American invasion and up till now they have given better lesson to USA.
In my humble opinion alleging Taliban or Pakistan Army or General Zia-Ul-Haq as American agent is not right. If you explore through USSR invasion in Afghanistan you will see that red forces were continuously occupying Central Asian land, their ultimate target was GAWADAR port because Central Asian sea ports were used to be available for them only for six months a year and they were frozen for rest of six months because of this problem they can only perform their trading activities for six months. They require an international port that they can use for the whole year and it was no one other than the GAWADAR. So, it was in the best interest of Pakistan to stop Russia in Afghanistan and certainly because of this reason Pakistan has started to support Afghanistan resistance movement. America was not involved in this war till 1986 but when Americans saw the opportunity to destroy USSR in Afghanistan they decided to take on the gamble and they have started to supply stingers to Pakistan Army not directly to Afghan Mujahedeen. It was actually the Pakistan Army that trained the Mujahedeen and supplied them stingers because USSR's defeat in Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan too. Now, there are three beneficiaries of this war Pakistan, Afghanistan and America and they all have a same enemy that was USSR. If we see the history without prejudice or general stereotypes we will see that Gen Zia Ul Haq saved Pakistan and Afghanistan from USSR invasion. Saying him an American agent will not be right.
Once again I appologize for my behaviour.
I hope I have cleared my position on various issues.
Muhammad Amir