05-14-2010, 08:49 PM
<b>7. Determination of tax liability.</b>
(2) A registered person shall not be entitled to deduct input tax from output tax unless,--
(i) in case of a claim for input tax in respect of a taxable supply made, he holds a tax invoice in his name and bearing his registration number in respect of such supply for which a return is furnished;
(ii) in case of goods imported into Pakistan, he holds bill of entry or goods declaration in his name and showing his sales tax registration number, duly cleared by the customs under section 79 or section 104 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969);
(iii) in case of goods purchased in auction, he holds a treasury challan, in his name and bearing his registration number, showing payment of sales tax;
(2) A registered person shall not be entitled to deduct input tax from output tax unless,--
(i) in case of a claim for input tax in respect of a taxable supply made, he holds a tax invoice in his name and bearing his registration number in respect of such supply for which a return is furnished;
(ii) in case of goods imported into Pakistan, he holds bill of entry or goods declaration in his name and showing his sales tax registration number, duly cleared by the customs under section 79 or section 104 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969);
(iii) in case of goods purchased in auction, he holds a treasury challan, in his name and bearing his registration number, showing payment of sales tax;