03-05-2005, 12:41 AM
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id="quote">quote<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by bilal azhar</i>
<br />"Double degree dont double ur chances of finding job".
any body would like to comment on this article given in the students section of this website.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
All i would like to state that the person who posted the above article did a near to perfect job of copy pasting. Refer to the link given below to read the article from the original source.
<b>Intended towards the poster of the above article (whoever he is)</b>
<b>Plagiarize</b> "To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own use without crediting the source."
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
<i>Are you the member of this forum. If so then please respond.</i> [o)]
As a website designer (some years back), I came into contact with the issue of plagiarism, and along with some of you, i have fallen victim many times. Recently, I have been experiencing problems with people stealing the text from business websites, placing it on their own site or on other sites , and claiming it as their own!(like the above article) It was blaringly obvious that these people blatantly cut and pasted others words! "What is going on?" I thought to myself. "Don't these people realize how hard others had worked on there website? Don't they realize original writers worked for hours and hours until the text was just right? Don't they realize that they are stealing from them? This it's wrong?" After many futile confrontations and several frustrating months of this, I realized that maybe no, copy-pasters dont realize that what they are doing is wrong, and this it is called <b>PLAGIARISM</b>.
After all, it's very easy to take your mouse, highlight some text on a website, copy it, and then paste it right into your own site, maybe changing a word or two, and claim it as your own. Maybe some of us have even done that without realizing any harm. Well, that's why i posted this message. To educate others that it's NOT ok to copy text from another site. And whether we realize it or not, it's stealing. And, it's illegal.
The written word on any website is called there intellectual property. It came from them; it isnt yours. Someone who steals others written word and claims it as their own (by pasting it on their website) is committing copyright infringement. The same copyright rules and laws that apply to other written material, apply on the internet as well. It might be easier to steal written word on the internet, but it is still wrong. It is theft, it is illegal, and violators can be prosecuted according to the law.
So please dont perform this bad act again. And i can only advice you to take your article back or otherwise you could just mention the original source of this article.
I hope to receive a response from the poster. Bilal Azhar i hope you arent the poster of the above article . Or <i><b>Are YOU</b></i>
If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!
<br />"Double degree dont double ur chances of finding job".
any body would like to comment on this article given in the students section of this website.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
All i would like to state that the person who posted the above article did a near to perfect job of copy pasting. Refer to the link given below to read the article from the original source.
<b>Intended towards the poster of the above article (whoever he is)</b>
<b>Plagiarize</b> "To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own use without crediting the source."
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
<i>Are you the member of this forum. If so then please respond.</i> [o)]
As a website designer (some years back), I came into contact with the issue of plagiarism, and along with some of you, i have fallen victim many times. Recently, I have been experiencing problems with people stealing the text from business websites, placing it on their own site or on other sites , and claiming it as their own!(like the above article) It was blaringly obvious that these people blatantly cut and pasted others words! "What is going on?" I thought to myself. "Don't these people realize how hard others had worked on there website? Don't they realize original writers worked for hours and hours until the text was just right? Don't they realize that they are stealing from them? This it's wrong?" After many futile confrontations and several frustrating months of this, I realized that maybe no, copy-pasters dont realize that what they are doing is wrong, and this it is called <b>PLAGIARISM</b>.
After all, it's very easy to take your mouse, highlight some text on a website, copy it, and then paste it right into your own site, maybe changing a word or two, and claim it as your own. Maybe some of us have even done that without realizing any harm. Well, that's why i posted this message. To educate others that it's NOT ok to copy text from another site. And whether we realize it or not, it's stealing. And, it's illegal.
The written word on any website is called there intellectual property. It came from them; it isnt yours. Someone who steals others written word and claims it as their own (by pasting it on their website) is committing copyright infringement. The same copyright rules and laws that apply to other written material, apply on the internet as well. It might be easier to steal written word on the internet, but it is still wrong. It is theft, it is illegal, and violators can be prosecuted according to the law.
So please dont perform this bad act again. And i can only advice you to take your article back or otherwise you could just mention the original source of this article.
I hope to receive a response from the poster. Bilal Azhar i hope you arent the poster of the above article . Or <i><b>Are YOU</b></i>
If I could... Then I would... Turn back time!!