09-27-2003, 08:15 PM
Problem with our society is the loss of STANDARDS.
Which standard are we following?
Islam! no our society is no more following Islamic standards. I often say that if you once cross the limits of God then there is no limit to restrict you.
Some people argue that every society should be given the freedom of setting its own standards.
We all know which standards our society is setting. Even the most developed societies (SO CALLED) can not define their moral standards.
Every day they are losing them.
A country like India which was used to have its boundries is losing its moral values.
I have heard a girl on Valentine day in an interview on TV saying that Free sex should be permitted in India. So without any DIVINE standards no standard are going to be firm for even a short period.
unfortunately peoples are adopting western culture in the name of modernization. They are following the standards of a society which has the lowest moral values in the world. America has the highest rate of suicide, murder, rape, illegitimate chid, mugging, alcohal ..and....... as far as I know. If this is what we are following in the name if modernization?
Which standard are we following?
Islam! no our society is no more following Islamic standards. I often say that if you once cross the limits of God then there is no limit to restrict you.
Some people argue that every society should be given the freedom of setting its own standards.
We all know which standards our society is setting. Even the most developed societies (SO CALLED) can not define their moral standards.
Every day they are losing them.
A country like India which was used to have its boundries is losing its moral values.
I have heard a girl on Valentine day in an interview on TV saying that Free sex should be permitted in India. So without any DIVINE standards no standard are going to be firm for even a short period.
unfortunately peoples are adopting western culture in the name of modernization. They are following the standards of a society which has the lowest moral values in the world. America has the highest rate of suicide, murder, rape, illegitimate chid, mugging, alcohal ..and....... as far as I know. If this is what we are following in the name if modernization?