Interview Questions You Should Ask
Now that the job market appears gradually more optimistic, people are dusting off their resumes and preparing to head into…
Auditioning for the Job
Finding the perfect job is never easy. And in today's competitive market, it can take time a fair amount of…
Tax asset: misleading the small investors
The creation of a DTA is a new phenomenon created by IAS-12 and has provided an opportunity to the listed…
Should You Upgrade to Microsoft Office 2003?
Each time Microsoft introduces a major product upgrade, users ask whether they should invest the time and money in it.…
Three Pillars of Investment Budget
Nowadays, the bang of the concept of investment budget is heard from almost each and every corner of governmental and…
Tackling Financial Accounting/Reporting Exam
Financial Accounting/Reporting is the integral part and parcel of the syllabus of almost all the accounting bodies around the globe.…
Strategy Maps: The Blueprint for Describing, Measuring and Aligning Intangible Assets for Superior Performance
"Walking and chewing gum at the same time." How many times have you heard this lighthearted reference to the need…
Make Excel a Little Smarter
Excel is a very smart application, but—and it’s a very big but—there are times it acts pretty dumb. However, it’s…
Taxonomy of Section 236
Income tax law is the most commonly misunderstood piece of legislation not even by the taxpayers’ but also by the…
Tackling Taxation Paper
Students of Professional bodies often find it difficult to attempt the paper while the rest seem to take the paper…