
  • XBRL: Revolutionizing the Corporate Reporting Supply Chain

    XBRL - eXtensible business reporting language - the Internet-based computer language for business reporting, has steadily gained visibility and momentum…

  • Maintain Excellence, Cut Risk

    Despite a year of bad headlines, we all know that most accountants are “good guys”—that is, intelligent men and women…

  • Deciding a career: Certifications related to Finance, What to do?

    So you are at the verge to decide what career to choose? Accountancy profession in Pakistan and elsewhere is generally…

  • International standards take on new importance

    Two years ago, the International Accounting Standards Board was a mere benchwarmer in the standards-setting game. It was a group…

  • Working Capital Control

    Successful business is about investing in the right ideas, the right equipment, and the right people. And to invest businesses…

  • Corporate decline

    Case studies rarely present the students with a rosy picture of a trouble-free organisation. Internal weaknesses are often apparent. Strengths…

  • Generosity

    It is so reassuring to have a person like Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi among us. Founder of Edhi Welfare Network,…

  • Perfecting Your Proposal

    When competing for an engagement, many accounting firms have a similar belief. “They believe all they have to do is…

  • Variance Analysis

    Variance analysis is the comparison of actual costs with standard costs. The purpose of this article is not to discuss…

  • Vigilant Spreadsheets

    Would you like to be able to scan your company’s financial operations spreadsheet and instantly see which departments are over…

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