
  • Building Your Communication Skills

    Accountants are taking an increasingly visible role within their organizations, working on cross-departmental projects from strategic planning to information technology…

  • Setting the Stage for a Successful Interview

    If you've been invited for a job interview, you've already impressed the prospective employer with the accomplishments and skills listed…

  • The seven deadly sins of strategy implementation

    CEO’s and senior managers are increasingly judged on the success of their companies’ business strategies. Yet, despite the existence of…

  • Responsibility accounting

    This article considers organisational structures and measures of divisional performance. Candidates need to develop competence in this vital area of…

  • Professional trends in accounting for 2003

    A number of important developments will affect accounting professionals in 2003. New regulations, changing job responsibilities, emerging technologies and specialties,…

  • Managing people

    Everyone knows what a manager does, until that is you find yourself in a management position. This article provides an…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Executive Dining

    Many people don't want to believe it, but this is a true story: The senior director of a major (and…

  • Accounting for partnerships

    A partnership is defined as a relationship between two or more individuals in which they agree to operate as a…

  • A Culture Turned Against Itself at Andersen

    Arthur Andersen, the former accounting powerhouse that collapsed last year because of the Enron scandal, always tried hard to create…

  • Spreadsheets with something extra

    Have you ever created a spreadsheet only to open it a couple of months later to discover you couldn’t remember…

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