
  • Fraud and its prevention

    Fraud can come in a variety of different forms and can happen at all levels in an organisation. Over the…

  • Do Accountants Have a Future?

    The last thing the Big Four needed was yet another scandal. But they've got one--this time over tax shelters. On…

  • Demand based pricing

    The pricing decision is important in any organisation as it will be one of the factors influencing a potential customer’s…

  • Managing Corporate Culture for Strategic Success

    Corporate culture is one of those amorphous business concepts that leaders too often neglect because of its sheer intangibility. Yet…

  • What Value Do You Bring to the Bottom Line?

    Say you are up for a promotion or trying to land that new job. During your meeting with your boss…

  • Enhancing Your Technology Expertise

    Technology has played an important role in shaping the accounting profession and will continue to change the way people work…

  • 'e-com, 'e-saw, 'e-audit

    In April 2001 the Auditing Practices Board published a Bulletin E-business: Identifying Financial Statement Risks and in October 2001, IFAC’s…

  • The year 2002-what has it taught us?

    What at year it was! It was a year full of the news of Enron, Andersen, World Com, and others.…

  • Workplace Friendships: Asset or Liability?

    Few would dispute the power true friendship has to enrich our lives. But what role should friendship play in the…

  • Activity-based costing

    In this article I wish to focus on activity-based costing or as it is more commonly referred to ‘ABC’. This…

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