Economic and Finance News
Foreign exchange regime further liberalised for info-tech payments
KARACHI (July 08 2004): The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has further liberalised foreign exchange regime, and allowed authorised dealers…
Mobile Customs squads' powers taken away
ISLAMABAD (July 08 2004): The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has barred mobile customs squads from searching private vehicles throughout…
Unilever accepts Westbury's Rs 1.33 billion bid for edible oil business
KARACHI (July 13 2004): The board of directors of Unliver Pakistan has recommended for acceptance of the bid for Rs…
Stricter government procurement rules come into force
ISLAMABAD (July 05 2004): In order to bring about good governance, transparency, accountability and improvement in public procurement of goods,…
SECP and SBP announce Margin Financing rules
ISLAMABAD (July 04 2004): To reduce speculations at stock market by replacing badla trading, the Securities and Exchange Commission of…
Export refinance scheme limit extended
KARACHI (June 25 2004): The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) on Friday has allowed banks to continue to avail refinance…
SBP to issue monetary policy on July 20
KARACHI (June 25 2004): State Bank will issue a statement next month to outline its monetary policy for the first…
New reinsurance company being set up to focus on ECO and CARs
KARACHI (June 28 2004): A new company under the supervision of Pakistan Reinsurance Company (PRC) is being set up with…
Bourses to deposit CVT and WT amount by 25th of every month
ISLAMABAD (June 29 2004): The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has accepted a major demand of stock exchanges to deposit…
40,000 small traders exempted from sales tax audit
ISLAMABAD (July 01 2004): Giving immunity from audit to over 40,000 small and medium entrepreneurs, the Central Board of Revenue…