Economic and Finance News
Standard & Poor's assigns 'BB-' to three PIBs
SINGAPORE (November 15 2003): Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on Friday assigned its 'BB-' long-term local currency debt rating to…
Sharp decline in SBP profitability in last four years
KARACHI (November 15 2003): Profitability of State Bank has sharply declined in the last four years mainly on account of…
World Bank backs CBR's direct taxes structure reform plan
ISLAMABAD (November 13 2003): World Bank (WB) is in favour of Central Board of Revenue (CBR) plan to reform structure…
Tax officials cannot shift computers from suspected units: Tax Ombudsman
ISLAMABAD (November 13 2003): Tax officials are not allowed to shift mini/ personal computers to the Collectorates during raid on…
CDC further slashes security deposit
KARACHI (November 13 2003): The Central Depository Company (CDC) has once again slashed the security deposit from issuers of securities…
Law being devised to check bogus invoices
ISLAMABAD (November 12 2003): The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) is devising a new law to deal with over 1000…
SECP notifies qualifications of 'company secretary'
ISLAMABAD (November 11 2003): The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) through an amendment in the Companies (General Provision…
Banks' profits triple from capital gains, dividends
KARACHI (November 11 2003): The banks listed at Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) posted a tremendous growth during nine months and…
State Bank and EPD renamed as Foreign Exchange Operations Department
KARACHI (November 11 2003): The State Bank on Monday renamed the Exchange Policy Department, SBP Banking Services Corporation as 'Foreign…
Sales tax on cotton may go temporarily
KARACHI (November 11 2003): The government is considering suspension of sales tax on cotton temporarily for a few months, it…