
  • Humour at work

    A good sense of humour is the least expensive of all medicines to beat stressful moments in our lives. Try…

  • An accountants guide to the top issues in technology

    In the early 1980s, when desktop computing and communications capabilities became affordable, practitioners began to realize that understanding basic hardware…

  • Asset management in the new accounting world

    Responding to the recent controversy on the quality of spreadsheets used for fixed asset management registers, FMIS director Vicky Stanley…

  • Harmonising strategic marketing and finance

    Mike Wilman is of the opinion that marketing as a strategic tool links the functions of Marketing and Finance. He…

  • Take the guesswork out of marketing spend

    Increases in marketing spending are often ineffective. So streamline it now to maximise impact. Although many companies have increased their…

  • A world without the Internet

    Imagine a world without the Internet. Without e-mail. Without Windows or Apples. Heck, for that matter, imagine a world without…

  • Worldwide Accounting Irregularities

    When accounting irregularities at the giant companies of Enron and WorldCom were reported in the U.S., many people believed that…

  • Developing the brand from the inside out

    For a long time external and internal communication was placed in separate boxes with the belief that communicating with customers…

  • Monte Carlo – it's not just gambling

    Recent events have increased interest in the accuracy, reliability, and honesty of financial statements. This attention already has led to…

  • XBRL drives reporting revolution

    Extensible business reporting language (XBRL) is helping to revolutionise the way business results are communicated and boost the drive to…

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