10-25-2010, 04:19 PM
<b>All Scorpion Kings and Queens</b>
Happy Birth month to all of u
only one line for all of you
<b>You will Rule the world soon or later...LOL (if not external then internal LoLz)</b>
This is topic with intention to celebrate the whole month of any star sign by its members and others
So general public (None Scorpions) can also comment upon the star sign (which is in this topic Scorpio) and great Scorpion kings and queens (LoLz)
(Other stars will be discussed later upon at start of their respective months)
So Comments plz
<b>All Scorpion Kings and Queens</b>
Happy Birth month to all of u
only one line for all of you
<b>You will Rule the world soon or later...LOL (if not external then internal LoLz)</b>
This is topic with intention to celebrate the whole month of any star sign by its members and others
So general public (None Scorpions) can also comment upon the star sign (which is in this topic Scorpio) and great Scorpion kings and queens (LoLz)
(Other stars will be discussed later upon at start of their respective months)
So Comments plz