11-02-2004, 06:04 PM
I just want to ask about the Icap's decision about its passing criteria which has been announced <img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle> on Saturday, October 30, 2004 in its 43 AGM. Many people are saying that it is not a good decision keeping in view the pattern of the papers <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>, while the others thought that it is a good decision <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>, WhAt dO yOu ThInK <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Hoping for a healthy response
Allah Hafiz<font face='Book Antiqua'></font id='Book Antiqua'><font size=4></font id=size4>
I just want to ask about the Icap's decision about its passing criteria which has been announced <img src=icon_smile_shock.gif border=0 align=middle> on Saturday, October 30, 2004 in its 43 AGM. Many people are saying that it is not a good decision keeping in view the pattern of the papers <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>, while the others thought that it is a good decision <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>, WhAt dO yOu ThInK <img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Hoping for a healthy response
Allah Hafiz<font face='Book Antiqua'></font id='Book Antiqua'><font size=4></font id=size4>