07-04-2005, 01:29 PM
Final exams of B. Com II annual 2005 ended 30th june. Exams were conducded by Punjab university. There were many difficulties faced by students including extremely hot season. Even cold water was not available in the examination hall. Every thing is bearable but the thing I want to mantion is the paper of taxation.
The paper of Business Taxation BC-405 was conducted on 20-6-2005. The paper contains unusual amount of mistakes. There was a question the <u>'Explain the leagal provisions governing the examptions of the <b><i>following</i></b> under the 2nd schadule'</u>. As the word following is mantioned but no terms were given (they were given in every past paper i.e. agricultural income, pansion etc.) to be explained. All examptions are given in 2nd schadule and those were not worth 20 marks. More over amounts were mistyped such as
Taxable turnover 50,00,00
Token money forfieted 10,0000
These mistaked caused a great confusion. Spacialy the question about examptions. Many students whould have attempted it because its a fixed question but due to this many students were unable to solve more the four questions.
<b>On the day when the paper of Cost Accounting was conducted, many angry students tore there, as well as the others sheets and 34 students were arrested in haillay collage Lahore whereas 2 were expelled.</b>
Now this is the condition of our examination system.
You know that many students are already afraid of taxation and what would have happened to them in this situation.
Read poetry on topic "Accountancy.com"
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]
The paper of Business Taxation BC-405 was conducted on 20-6-2005. The paper contains unusual amount of mistakes. There was a question the <u>'Explain the leagal provisions governing the examptions of the <b><i>following</i></b> under the 2nd schadule'</u>. As the word following is mantioned but no terms were given (they were given in every past paper i.e. agricultural income, pansion etc.) to be explained. All examptions are given in 2nd schadule and those were not worth 20 marks. More over amounts were mistyped such as
Taxable turnover 50,00,00
Token money forfieted 10,0000
These mistaked caused a great confusion. Spacialy the question about examptions. Many students whould have attempted it because its a fixed question but due to this many students were unable to solve more the four questions.
<b>On the day when the paper of Cost Accounting was conducted, many angry students tore there, as well as the others sheets and 34 students were arrested in haillay collage Lahore whereas 2 were expelled.</b>
Now this is the condition of our examination system.
You know that many students are already afraid of taxation and what would have happened to them in this situation.
Read poetry on topic "Accountancy.com"
```*``` I love stars;
*`*`*`* Shining;
`*`*`*` and Smiling;
*`````* Always.
[email protected]