01-19-2005, 02:03 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
There is no such thing as hard core military solution to these type of conflicts. Some stupid factions of the military think it to be the solution but look what have they done in three conflicts so far. Political dialogue is good and the present Govt. is inherently incapable of such thinking.
In the case under review the culprit is reported to be a military captain. Remind me if a single military person was ever apprehanded re 1971. Means they were all angels?
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Here, I would totally agree with goodman. This is our internal problem. Solving every internal problem through the use of KHAKI BOOTS is called "MILITARY DICTATORSHIP". Why dont people realize that? Doesnt the constitution of Pakistan give every individual the RIGHT to express his views? Its just so that we have been suppressing them long enough, to make them do this kind of stuff. I think its high time that we re-learn the lessons from history. We have already had an experience of using military force to suppress our own people in 1971, when they demanded their LEGAL RIGHTS. IF we go on SUPPRESSING people like this when they demand for their rights, are we ANY DIFFERENT from those FEUDALS or SARDARS?
The only difference is that the FEUDALS or SARDARS use their local power to suppress people when they demand rights & the central Govt of Pakistan uses its MILTARY DANDA to suppress people in the same way. Whats the difference? The common man is getting suppressed from both sides ! While u are sitting comfortably on a computer in ur home in Karachi! I really dont think u are in a very good position to judge those people misery, before APPEALING to the govt to take military action.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I have seen the program of Dr. Shahid last night on ARY one...He presented the details of "Bugti" and his "Sardari" system...The man "Akbar Bugti" is a murderer...and Pakistani court has given him the "Punishment of Death" in 1969...how he converted that punishment into 3 years imprisonment is not understandable...but that was done with the help of Bhutto...
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Mani, What about your present governer of sindhi ? Wasnt he sentenced in several cases (including murder) but then how did he convert his sentences in jail to governership ? There was no Bhutoo this time, it was our dear General !! You dont seem to be highlighting that & several other cases of URBAN FUEDALS.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
these terrorist attacks, i must say it, have not only troubled our countrymen, our industry, the potential investors (especially foreign), but also ve tarnished our reputation on international picture.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Farhan, What about ur own countrys military killing its OWN PEOPLE ? Do u think that increases ur reputation in the international world? More importantly, do u think that we should go on KILLING OUR OWN PEOPLE, just to please the WESTERN WORLD? What good has it brought to us so far?
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
i appeal the authorities tht they take the most severe actions tht r possible against such ppl who r proving to be the enemies of us, irrespective of their religion n nationality. they can never b our true well-wishers.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Farhan, these PEOPLE, are no foreign terrorists. They are inhabitants of OUR HOMELAND! They are equal citizens like u or me. Now, when the MQM demands more funds from the central govt for karachi, becoz Karachi (as they say) brings in a lot of income, then that is justified. No one objects. No one calls them terrorists even if they blow up a building or anything.
But if the BALACHIS do the same. They demand the govt for more funds & development in their region then that is UNJUSTIFIED? They are not ur well-wishers? Well frankly, we are being very selfish & we are not THEIR well-wishers. Their part of the country is providing us with all the GAS we need & that revenue alone would be more than the revenue earned from KARACHI. But still they have no development & we do. So who is the one who has been more SUPPRESSED? They or us? Dont they have an equal right to protest & pickup arms (if neccesary) like we have done? Havent we (in Karachi) blown up countless STRATEGIC INSTALLATIONS, Stricked & brought the city to a virtual standstill, created a feeling of INSECURITY & Political instability? Arent we MORE RESPONSIBLE for scaring the investors away ? After all, the investor doesnt come & stay in the remote parts of balochistan, he stays in KARACHI !
In the end, I would just say that we should look at any situation from both angles. From their side & our side & then judge who is right & who is wrong. You have no right to APPEAL to the central govt to just go ahead & kill OTHER PAKISTANIS, just becoz they demand for their rights. There is something called POLITICAL DIALOGUE ! If politcal dialougue can happen with MQM, it can happen with BALOCHIs.............
PS I would urge members to think more broad mindedly & be able to accomodate other people too. I am not a balochi & nor am I a bengali, but I strongly think that what we did with Bangalis in 1971 was INHUMANE & not right & so we shouldnt be repeating mistakes. If any of my comments have personally offended anyone, I am deeply sorry.
There is no such thing as hard core military solution to these type of conflicts. Some stupid factions of the military think it to be the solution but look what have they done in three conflicts so far. Political dialogue is good and the present Govt. is inherently incapable of such thinking.
In the case under review the culprit is reported to be a military captain. Remind me if a single military person was ever apprehanded re 1971. Means they were all angels?
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Here, I would totally agree with goodman. This is our internal problem. Solving every internal problem through the use of KHAKI BOOTS is called "MILITARY DICTATORSHIP". Why dont people realize that? Doesnt the constitution of Pakistan give every individual the RIGHT to express his views? Its just so that we have been suppressing them long enough, to make them do this kind of stuff. I think its high time that we re-learn the lessons from history. We have already had an experience of using military force to suppress our own people in 1971, when they demanded their LEGAL RIGHTS. IF we go on SUPPRESSING people like this when they demand for their rights, are we ANY DIFFERENT from those FEUDALS or SARDARS?
The only difference is that the FEUDALS or SARDARS use their local power to suppress people when they demand rights & the central Govt of Pakistan uses its MILTARY DANDA to suppress people in the same way. Whats the difference? The common man is getting suppressed from both sides ! While u are sitting comfortably on a computer in ur home in Karachi! I really dont think u are in a very good position to judge those people misery, before APPEALING to the govt to take military action.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
I have seen the program of Dr. Shahid last night on ARY one...He presented the details of "Bugti" and his "Sardari" system...The man "Akbar Bugti" is a murderer...and Pakistani court has given him the "Punishment of Death" in 1969...how he converted that punishment into 3 years imprisonment is not understandable...but that was done with the help of Bhutto...
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Mani, What about your present governer of sindhi ? Wasnt he sentenced in several cases (including murder) but then how did he convert his sentences in jail to governership ? There was no Bhutoo this time, it was our dear General !! You dont seem to be highlighting that & several other cases of URBAN FUEDALS.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
these terrorist attacks, i must say it, have not only troubled our countrymen, our industry, the potential investors (especially foreign), but also ve tarnished our reputation on international picture.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Farhan, What about ur own countrys military killing its OWN PEOPLE ? Do u think that increases ur reputation in the international world? More importantly, do u think that we should go on KILLING OUR OWN PEOPLE, just to please the WESTERN WORLD? What good has it brought to us so far?
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" id=quote>quote<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
i appeal the authorities tht they take the most severe actions tht r possible against such ppl who r proving to be the enemies of us, irrespective of their religion n nationality. they can never b our true well-wishers.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial" size=2 id=quote>
Dear Farhan, these PEOPLE, are no foreign terrorists. They are inhabitants of OUR HOMELAND! They are equal citizens like u or me. Now, when the MQM demands more funds from the central govt for karachi, becoz Karachi (as they say) brings in a lot of income, then that is justified. No one objects. No one calls them terrorists even if they blow up a building or anything.
But if the BALACHIS do the same. They demand the govt for more funds & development in their region then that is UNJUSTIFIED? They are not ur well-wishers? Well frankly, we are being very selfish & we are not THEIR well-wishers. Their part of the country is providing us with all the GAS we need & that revenue alone would be more than the revenue earned from KARACHI. But still they have no development & we do. So who is the one who has been more SUPPRESSED? They or us? Dont they have an equal right to protest & pickup arms (if neccesary) like we have done? Havent we (in Karachi) blown up countless STRATEGIC INSTALLATIONS, Stricked & brought the city to a virtual standstill, created a feeling of INSECURITY & Political instability? Arent we MORE RESPONSIBLE for scaring the investors away ? After all, the investor doesnt come & stay in the remote parts of balochistan, he stays in KARACHI !
In the end, I would just say that we should look at any situation from both angles. From their side & our side & then judge who is right & who is wrong. You have no right to APPEAL to the central govt to just go ahead & kill OTHER PAKISTANIS, just becoz they demand for their rights. There is something called POLITICAL DIALOGUE ! If politcal dialougue can happen with MQM, it can happen with BALOCHIs.............
PS I would urge members to think more broad mindedly & be able to accomodate other people too. I am not a balochi & nor am I a bengali, but I strongly think that what we did with Bangalis in 1971 was INHUMANE & not right & so we shouldnt be repeating mistakes. If any of my comments have personally offended anyone, I am deeply sorry.