08-31-2003, 12:24 AM
I dont know pervez, why didnt u understand my question, as it is very much clear from the topic, at last i ll say that SECP dont have Chartered Accountants, this is the only reason that it is too much against CAs, the Mr. Khalid Mirza expressed his thinkings about Chartered Accountants in the open forum, i want to ask that person, dont he look at the income tax department, how much corruption is there, the people there have mahrab on their faces, with long beard, but they use to ask for money like they are asking for their right, why dont any SECP or Govt. Authority takes any action againt this corrupt department, i will not take any action, as they are also getting shares from there, but Chartered Accountants dont give any share to them, this is main reason of SECP being Against the Chartered Accountants.