02-18-2005, 11:58 PM
Reading Technique
Step 1
Firstly skim through the relevant area, try to familiarize urself with the crux of the subject area, point out the the areas which is behind ur comprehension.
Step 2
Once you have gone through the 1st step, now go through the details of the area, make sure that nothing is left untouched. If it is the subject of law/auditing or accounting standards, where you will have to write in legal/standard language, try to memorize the wordings/terminologies (note I m not saying about rote), bcz examiner of law n auditing appreciate the scripts written in legal/standard language (ref to examiners' comments)
Retention Techniques
Whenever you r preparing study material for exams, try to think from the examiner's perspective, think how can examiner ask a critical question from the concerned area. This will help u alot, if u have analyzing techinques. I usually prepare a projected paper (of theory subject) before exams, which proves to be difficult than examiner's.
As far as retention is concerend, try to develop a sketch of a chapter/standard/sections in ur mind after reading it, u should be able to recall, while sitting idle/bathing/walking etc, the main contents n critical points in a chapter/standard/section.
Hope it will help u out.
ICAP is the best.
Reading Technique
Step 1
Firstly skim through the relevant area, try to familiarize urself with the crux of the subject area, point out the the areas which is behind ur comprehension.
Step 2
Once you have gone through the 1st step, now go through the details of the area, make sure that nothing is left untouched. If it is the subject of law/auditing or accounting standards, where you will have to write in legal/standard language, try to memorize the wordings/terminologies (note I m not saying about rote), bcz examiner of law n auditing appreciate the scripts written in legal/standard language (ref to examiners' comments)
Retention Techniques
Whenever you r preparing study material for exams, try to think from the examiner's perspective, think how can examiner ask a critical question from the concerned area. This will help u alot, if u have analyzing techinques. I usually prepare a projected paper (of theory subject) before exams, which proves to be difficult than examiner's.
As far as retention is concerend, try to develop a sketch of a chapter/standard/sections in ur mind after reading it, u should be able to recall, while sitting idle/bathing/walking etc, the main contents n critical points in a chapter/standard/section.
Hope it will help u out.
ICAP is the best.