09-11-2003, 08:46 PM
Hi Raza!
Unfortunately we have been debating this issue for about a month and i am still claiming you are not aware of the scope of this topic and you are claiming i am off track. Ohhhh! Certainly this is a comuunication problem. Besides, for every debate we have to have a moderator to whom we can submit view points for reconciliation that is missing here. Any voluntary offer for this service?
Thank you for offer to e-mail SECP Act. But you can get all relevant laws on internet now a days. In fact SECP site has a whole section
relating to rules, regulations, and laws. This internet is amazing.
I was thinking to send an e-mail to newly appointed Chairman of SECP. (I wouldn't say that i have any great influence over there but i can get their attention for sure) and ask him to depute somebody to visit these discussion boards as they bring up good suggestions for improving their image. They don't have to participate in these discussion but just by observing they can improve their work.
I am glad you are keeping the company of some serior people. I can tell you there is much more you can learn through people than from mere books.
Last but not the least, I fully agree with you that we have to have proper manners in the forum. If somebody does not have proper etiquettes to talk in a civil and educated manner, i refuse to stoop to their level. Our fundamental responsibility is to bring the standards up not down. If people are frustrated with life, they better go to doctor and take their medication!!!
Take Care and not let SECP run your life! I am sure you have better things to do than crusade against a govt agency.
<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>
Unfortunately we have been debating this issue for about a month and i am still claiming you are not aware of the scope of this topic and you are claiming i am off track. Ohhhh! Certainly this is a comuunication problem. Besides, for every debate we have to have a moderator to whom we can submit view points for reconciliation that is missing here. Any voluntary offer for this service?
Thank you for offer to e-mail SECP Act. But you can get all relevant laws on internet now a days. In fact SECP site has a whole section
relating to rules, regulations, and laws. This internet is amazing.
I was thinking to send an e-mail to newly appointed Chairman of SECP. (I wouldn't say that i have any great influence over there but i can get their attention for sure) and ask him to depute somebody to visit these discussion boards as they bring up good suggestions for improving their image. They don't have to participate in these discussion but just by observing they can improve their work.
I am glad you are keeping the company of some serior people. I can tell you there is much more you can learn through people than from mere books.
Last but not the least, I fully agree with you that we have to have proper manners in the forum. If somebody does not have proper etiquettes to talk in a civil and educated manner, i refuse to stoop to their level. Our fundamental responsibility is to bring the standards up not down. If people are frustrated with life, they better go to doctor and take their medication!!!
Take Care and not let SECP run your life! I am sure you have better things to do than crusade against a govt agency.
<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>