08-27-2005, 02:14 AM
Yes teacher2000, I think having passed all ACCA papers equate you to the level of Exam questions that may be expected of a student of Masters degree in the UK. Let me also tell you that ACCA on request issues a letter of equivalance to a UK Masters, that clearly states that the level of course material and exams in the ACCA final exams are those equal to a UK Masters exam. So be assured that despite not having a tertiary degree; a Bachelors or a Masters your academic qualifications will be at par to any other Uni Graduate.
Employers will be attracted partly due to your Academic qualifications and partly due to the level and kind of experience that you bring around. Remembers to Employers your ACCA (or for that matter any other degree) is only an admission ticket, what you do and what your performance is going to be, is some thing that the employer will be interested in. Hope this answers your question.
Employers will be attracted partly due to your Academic qualifications and partly due to the level and kind of experience that you bring around. Remembers to Employers your ACCA (or for that matter any other degree) is only an admission ticket, what you do and what your performance is going to be, is some thing that the employer will be interested in. Hope this answers your question.